Tips for Choosing the Highest BRAND Quality Nootropic Supplements
Their reception is indicated for the restoration of mental performance, memory, correction of the psych emotional state. Most of the nootropics are combined with other medicines and can be used for long courses.
Medicinal nootropics may be required periodically – for the purpose of stopping acute reactions to stress, or taken in long courses of several months – with pronounced disorders in the activity of the brain, damage to its structures.
There are several classes of nootropic supplements:
- Cerebrovascular: improve blood circulation;
- Activating the synthesis and activity of excitatory neurotransmitters;
- Psychostimulatory;
- Antioxidants;
- Antihypoxants.
General use rules of nootropic supplements
Only a long course of treatment could achieve this effect.
Nonspecific side effects of nootropics (activating / inhibiting) are expressed at the beginning of therapy, and then fade away.
They are usually used in the complex treatment of degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, the consequences of brain injuries and the correction of disorders in the neuropsychiatric development in children.
Application for epilepsy, anxiety disorder requires monitoring by doctors, because it can provoke new seizures, especially in the absence of specific treatment
Most often, nootropic supplements restore and improve the functions of the central nervous system are used in neurological and neurosurgical practice, especially in the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered traumatic damage to the central nervous system.
For the complex therapy of the consequences of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, as well as for headaches, these supplements are also prescribed to improve your brain function.
In psychiatry and narcology, nootropics are used to combat the side effects of other psychotropic supplements, as well as to combat alcohol addiction.
Sometimes people independently decide to take these supplements to improve memory and attention during increased psycho-emotional stress.
The effectiveness of such measures is still questionable, especially for short-term use. Be sure to consult with a specialist before taking these supplements.
Tips for Choosing the Highest BRAND Quality Nootropic Supplements
The brainchild of Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof company. The main ingredient in this nootropic is Forskolin, an extract of the root of the Coleus forskohlii plant.
It is known to cause weight loss and slight muscle gain. And a study in rats has shown that it can improve memory function as well.
Dosage: 2 capsules before and after activity.
Side Effects: There is no exact data on the toxicity of Forskolin yet.
Rise and Sprint
Two flagship nootropic supplements developed by the startup HVMN, in which the former head of Yahoo! Marissa Mayer.
The creators of the company want the consumption of nootropics to become as commonplace as a morning coffee.
Rise capsules are supposed to stimulate our memory and cognition, reduce anxiety and alleviate the effects of stress. Sprint is about energizing and helping to achieve a “flow” state, although in clinical tests it has shown itself to be weaker than caffeine.
Dosage: 2 capsules per day.
Side effects: due to the presence of Bacopa Monnieri Extract there are possibility of nausea, convulsions, drowsiness, muscle fatigue, lethargy; hyperthyroidism.
A bioactive nootropic supplement from Onnit, touted by comedian and TV presenter Joe Rogan, a big fan of nootropics.
The alpha brain helps him remember information, solve complex tasks that require concentration, and respond more quickly to stimuli.
In support of his words, the manufacturer’s website posted data from two randomized trials with a placebo group. In both cases, statistically significant improvements were noted in the auditory speech memory test (CVLT).
Dosage: 2 capsules a day, preferably with meals.
Side effects: due to the presence of Bacopa Monnieri extract – nausea, cramps, drowsiness, muscle fatigue, lethargy.
Prohibited nootropic supplements
All over the world, the concept of “nootropics” is associated primarily with modafinil, Ritalin and Adderall, which are widely used in the United States in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but are prohibited in many countries. The formal reason is insufficiently researched.
This is methylphenidate, which has become known commercially as Ritalin. Most popular within students.
It is considered “brain doping” and supposedly helps to cope with high training load. It is actually a nootropic supplement for the symptomatic treatment of ADHD that only marginally improves some of the memory scores in patients.
But it does not in any way affect mental performance in healthy young people, but only creates such an illusion due to the narcotic effect.
Side effects: nausea, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, depressed mood, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure, tachycardia; and according to the Cochrane Review (recognized worldwide as the highest standard of evidence-based medicine), taking Ritalin can lead to death, heart attack, or acute psychosis.
The name stands for A.D.D. for all (“supplement for all”). This combination of four amphetamine salts was originally intended to treat ADHD and narcolepsy.
The fact that Adderall can act as a sports doping and nootropic is more of a side effect.
In fact, it affects mood and motivation more than cognitive function. In therapeutic doses, it increases the reaction rate and stimulates short-term memory, as well as relieves fatigue and increases muscle strength.
But it can interfere with complex intellectual tasks.
Side effects: mood changes, loss of appetite, euphoria; contraindicated in people with cardiovascular disease, glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure and a history of supplements addiction
The most popular nootropic in the world belongs to the class of analeptics. These supplements affect the centers of the medulla oblongata associated with vital functions – breathing and blood circulation.
In general, modafinil is intended for the treatment of narcolepsy, but it is actively used by students, scientists and freelancers who want to get the most out of their brains in the shortest possible time.
In 2008, TechCrunch magazine named it “Entrepreneurs’ Favorite Supplement”. Of the Russian entrepreneurs, Sergey Fage, the founder of the Ostrovok service, appreciated him most of all.
A total of 19 placebo-controlled studies were conducted that examined the effects of modafinil on cognitive abilities, including attention, memory and information processing speed.
As a psychostimulant, it was tested by pilots, military, police, as well as astronauts on the ISS and surgeons working on the night shift.
Bottom Line: Modafinil does help to stay awake longer when the body is suffering from a lack of sleep. And it’s better to pass the Visual Information Processing Speed (RVIP) test.
But only if you have a high IQ without it, the rest of the effects turned out to be too insignificant.
Side effects: headache, dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety, irritability, increased blood pressure, palpitations, nausea.
We do not recommend or accept any supplements without a doctor’s prescription.