Can You Take Adderall for Life?

Can You Take Adderall for Life?

Today, Most often people of young ages suffer from Adderall addiction.

The reason is simple – the older generation has learned to distribute their forces and energy without external help.

The availability of the substance like Adderall, Modafinil makes it the easiest solution to the difficulties during the delivery of sessions, deadlines at work, and the need to be in 10 places at the same time, which is more typical of the younger generation.


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How Does Adderall Work?

The first thing that Adderall does when it enters the body is to multiply the production of hormones.

It increases the content of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Improves mood, increases attention and a person’s ability to concentrate.

Provides not only motor, but also speech activity. Eliminates the need for rest and food, and most importantly – increases efficiency. That is why many people refer to “typical consumers” of Adderall as working people (truck drivers, engineers, etc.).

Both the brain and the central nervous system “accelerate” after taking salts to the maximum.

All internal organs work almost “for wear and tear.” At times, endurance increases, fatigue disappears, sociability increases.

What Happens If You Take Adderall for Years?

When Adderall is not taken for treating purposes, then even a small dose of Adderall can entail a feeling of self-confidence, increased energy, vigor.

This effect makes the substance as dangerous as possible, because not only teenagers from dysfunctional families decide to test its effect on themselves, but also students, young professionals, entrepreneurs, programmers, guys and girls who are looking for a source of energy, which is so lacking with high employment in everyday life. 

Adderall gives the required, albeit illusory, feeling of that, that there is enough time and energy for everything, that you can manage to solve all the problems and not feel tired.

Once having tried an Adderall, there is a desire to repeat the experience, because without it the energy quickly dries up.

Unfortunately, the illusion of omnipotence leads to sad, very real consequences – having become addicted to Adderall, it is very easy to lose everything that a person has achieved throughout life.

How to Understand That you Have Adderall Addiction?

Symptoms of Adderall Addiction Might be 

  • High unreasonable anxiety;
  • The appearance of high activity after an apathetic state;
  • The desire to talk without reason and interruption;
  • Sexual liberation, “removal of boundaries” of sexual relations;
  • Pupil dilation;
  • Dulling the feeling of hunger – a person can “forget” to eat;
  • Insomnia.

If at least some of the listed symptoms present, special attention should be paid to the behavior and lifestyle of a loved one.

Coping with Adderall addiction on your own is almost impossible, so timely contacting specialists will be the most correct way to resolve the problem.

In most cases, dependence on Adderall is discovered first by the patient’s close people.

Can You Take Adderall for Life?
Can You Take Adderall for Life?

Can You Be on Adderall Long Term?

Initially Adderall is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy .

It is also used as a sports dope and cognitive enhancer, and recreationally as an aphrodisiac and euphoric. It is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the phenethylamine class

Adderall was also developed to increase the production of the hormones norepinephrine and dopamine.

It increases the energy, a surge of strength, the development of enthusiasm.

That is why Adderall was actively used in the treatment of depression.

But violation of the dosage prescribed by the doctor very quickly leads to the opposite consequences.

 Even a short-term use of Adderall causes irreversible processes in the nervous system. Under the influence of the substance, norepinephrine and dopamine are wasted inefficiently, too quickly.

The body does not have time to restore the necessary amount of them. The result is a depressive state that abruptly replaces fun and cheerfulness.

Adderall negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system

Long Term Adderall provokes the leaking of calcium from the body. What entails the rapid destruction of bone tissue. Teeth, hair, nails suffer, bones are destroyed.

Long-term use of Adderall leads to a violation of the immune system, the development of diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.

Taking Adderall during pregnancy leads to inhibition of fetal development. Adderall provokes a slowdown in blood flow to the placenta, which causes inhibition of the development of the central nervous system of the child, his limbs, and internal organs.

The result is a huge number of miscarriages and stillborn babies. If the baby is still born, it is rarely possible to avoid health and mental problems.

How Long Adderall Stays in the Body?

Adderall is excreted for a very long time.

With regular use it accumulates in the body. 

After a single dose of Adderall, its traces in the blood can be detected within a day.

With prolonged use, modern express tests can detect Adderall and its decay products within 20 days. The answer to the question of how much amphetamine comes out of the blood depends on several factors:

  • Patient weight;
  • Age;
  • Physical activity;
  • Duration of admission;
  • Development of muscle mass.

A single dose of the substance leaves traces in the urine for 14 days.

With systematic use, Adderall residues in the biological fluid are easy to find even 3 months after the last dose.

The drug also accumulates in other tissues and biomaterials, for example, it lasts 5 days in saliva, 20 days on hair, and 45 days on nails.


Can You Take Adderall for Life?

No. The use of Adderall is detrimental to the human body. Addiction to a psychotropic substance and regular use of Adderall can cause the following consequences:

  1. Depression and fatigue;
  2. Physical exhaustion;
  3. Pain in the kidneys and liver;
  4. Tooth decay;
  5. Visual impairment;
  6. Strong mental deviations;
  7. Insomnia;
  8. Seizures.

In addition to the above, people who use Adderall develop an amphetamine hangover. This condition forces a person to concentrate all thoughts on the search for the adderall and gradually increase the dose.

Will I be on Adderall for the rest of my life?

Dependence on Adderall develops very quickly – after 2-3 weeks of irregular ingestion. Injection reduces this period by several times. Moreover, the mental addiction comes before the physical one.

A person who takes Adderall for a long time usually loses weight,  teeth begin to decay, the person is unbalanced and impulsive, memory lapses may occur. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. Psychiatric conditions as well as neurological and gastrointestinal disturbances may occur.

How Long Can You Stay on Adderall?

Adderall is prescribed by the doctors for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. To use it for improving cognitive performance is not recommended.

Is it OK to take Adderall everyday?

No, It must be prescribed only by doctors for medical purposes. Otherwise it leads to addiction and other serious side effects.