Brain is something amazing. Much of its work is still a mystery.
The functioning of individual cells is fairly well explained, but understanding how the brain functions as a whole as a result of the interaction of billions of neurons is available only in a very simplified form and requires further in-depth research.
Yes, there are about 86 billion neurons in the human brain, which form numerous connections. Our brain remembers everything that it passed by, that it “smelled”, heard, touched, tried – any information leaves an imprint.
The brain is not a sieve, and nothing disappears from it without a trace.
Simply saying, the brain does not forget the information that we consume, just if we do not use it, then it is, as it were, in the “Delayed” folder and is not realized by us.
In order for us to remember and be aware, the brain needs to form neural connections to this information, and for this the brain must constantly and hard work.
The information received in one way or another affects our thoughts, emotions, actions.
Are you looking for the best nootropic supplement what improves memory?
As for me, Mind Lab Pro is the best option available right now.
Mind Lab Pro focuses on cognitive function and general health more than any other nootropics.
Due to the Elements that Mind Lab Pro has, it compresses all the benefits of cognitive function, and even long-term mental well-being.
It Optimizes 6 different brain pathways: Neurotransmitters, brain energy, brain cell protection, cerebral blood flow, neurogenesis, and brainwaves.
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How To Improve Memory Without Nootropics?
It is safe to say that our personality is our memory.
If you feel that you are having difficulty remembering new information, use these simple tips to improve your memory:
1. Use mnemonic methods.
Repetitions play an important role in memorization; neural connections are formed precisely as a result of repetitions.
2. Consciously control the memorization process.
3. Find motivation.
Imagine how this information will be useful to you.
4. Refer to associations (Cicero’s method).
Its essence is that the units of information that you need to remember are mentally placed in a familiar room in a certain order.
It is enough to remember the “Unit” to reproduce the information.
5. Learn foreign languages - this develops associative thinking.
6. Remember phone numbers, for starters – important and close people for you. The main thing is to keep the information for at least a few days.
7. Play Intelligent Games.
This is how the memory and attention of pilots, chess players, and intelligence officers are trained. Several cubes (for starters, 2-3) are placed on the table, covered with a hand, then the palm is raised for a few seconds, and then they are covered again and all the numbers on the cubes are called.
Gradually, the number of cubes can be increased.
8. Walk along the “chain”.
A person keeps his attention on an object as long as he is interested in it and as long as he finds something new in it. Then attention weakens and switches.
The essence of the exercise: imagine some object and keep the thought on it, for example, on a laptop.
In a couple of minutes, you will no longer be thinking about the laptop itself, but about the model, manufacturer, etc. (each person has his own logical chain).
At that moment, when you realize that you are no longer thinking about this subject, you need to go back along the chain, remembering each link and, as a result, return to the original subject. The exercise helps in almost any field of knowledge, taking into account any specifics.
9. Examine your consciousness.
Scrolling through the events of the previous day in your memory, remember the details and nuances. In this way, you train the ability to keep your attention constantly on and you can easily restore the chain of events and memorize new information in great detail.
10. Unplug from problems.
Exhausting work and lack of sleep harm memory. Arrange “free days” for yourself, which are better spent outdoors. Attend interesting events and do not forget about physical exercises.

Do Nootropics Help With Memory?
Pharmaceutical products should be prescribed strictly by a psychotherapist, based on the individual characteristics of a person.
There are also safe herbal, organic nootropics– supplements that can improve the mind, memory, increase concentration.
Such funds are freely sold in pharmacy chains in the form of bio-supplements, they are suitable for preventive treatment for adults and children, they will help during periods of increased cognitive stress.
The effect of nootropics is achieved by special schemes of application and a carefully selected dose, taking into account the individual condition, depends on the severity of cerebrovascular accidents.
What Nootropics Affect Working Memory?
Nootropics affect the metabolic processes in nerve cells, improving the blood supply to the central nervous system and, as a result, stimulating the integrative activity of the brain, i.e. memory, thinking and concentration.
Nootropics of this group have a wide spectrum of action and can be used both by healthy people to increase brain activity or with psycho-emotional overstrain, and by patients with already diagnosed diseases of the nervous system (consequences of traumatic brain injury, CNS damage, stroke, etc.).
What Supplements Help Working Memory?
It is impossible to make a list of the best nootropic for improving memory, since all nootropic are used for different indications.
Most often, in order to stimulate the brain, such nootropics are used:
B vitamins
Of particular importance for the functioning of the brain and nerves is the level of vitamin B12 – cyanocobalamin. With its deficiency, memory problems, mental retardation, and cognitive decline may occur.
Vitamin B12 deficiency increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.
The use of dosage forms of cyanocobalamin should be carried out only as directed by a doctor.
Self-administration of high doses of B vitamins has no scientific justification, including in the treatment of stroke and dementia.
Bacopa Monnieri
This supplement interacts with the dopamine and serotonergic systems.
In simple words, it lifts the mood , improves memory and a surge of motivation appears.
I would say that the effects of this wonderful herb are not only relevant for those who are already retired, live on their own yacht and who are doing great on all fronts.
For everyone else, a good mood will never be superfluous.
L-theanine is an amino acid that is extracted from green tea leaves. One cup of strong brew contains 25 mg, 1-2% by weight.
Theanine’s greatest magic is that it crosses the blood-brain barrier. This is such a “wall” that protects our neurons from pathogens and substances that interfere with normal operation. It allows only the right molecules, of a certain shape and size, to pass through.
In essence, our brains confuse theanine with certain substances, such as glutamate, that regulate mood and mental alertness in a positive way. For us, of course, such “holes” in the mechanisms of the central nervous system are a big plus. The substance is almost as well researched as caffeine, so the full list of references is best looked at on a separate page.
It Reduces anxiety and prevents “accelerate” too much, improves memory.
Final Words
The best nootropics for improving memory and brain function are those that are taken as prescribed by a doctor.
There are no magic nootropic that safely stimulate the activity of the central nervous system.
When taking any medication, there is always a risk of side effects, do not forget about contraindications. The appearance of problems with memory or thinking is a reason to consult a doctor.
How do nootropics help the brain?
The word itself comes from two ancient Greek: noos – “mind” and tropos – “turn” or “direction”. So already in the name of nootropics their main effect is reflected: improvement of mental abilities.
The action of nootropics lies in the fact that they affect the metabolism of neurons and improve the blood supply to the brain.
What are nootropics in simple words?
Nootropics, also known as neurometabolic stimulants, are supplements designed to have a specific effect on higher mental functions.
Which doctor can prescribe nootropics?
Many neurologists prescribe nootropics for all diseases. It is believed that they save from dementia, improve memory and stimulate brain function.