What is a Nootropic Effect?

What is a Nootropic Effect? A Full Review

The modern world dictates new rules and offers us a huge amount of information that needs to be analyzed daily. Today, a person is required to quickly and effectively assimilate the material with a maximum concentration and high productivity.

Constant deadlines, a busy work process, stress during study – all this is a strong psycho-emotional load that wears out the internal resources of the body, which manifests itself in the form of irritability, memory impairment and difficulty concentrating and perceiving something new.

Therefore, sooner or later the thought appears – is there any medicine, a kind of “dope” for the brain, which will help you become more productive and successful using fewer resources? 

And the answer is:Nootropic or Nootropic Supplement.

In a previous article I have already discussed for whom nootropics are and today I will discuss the effects of nootropics.

Are you looking for the best Nootropic Supplement in the market?

Best Brain Supplements

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 I would suggest you to pay attention to the best nootropic at the market.

It might be Mind Lab Pro.

Mind Lab Pro is an example of a modern over-the-counter supplement for improving memory and brain activity.

Mind Lab Pro is ideal for people who work under stress, need to multitask, and want to improve their mental performance.

All Nootropic Types

There are three types of nootropic drugs: herbal, animal, and synthetic, created in laboratories.

I would suggest you choose herbal nootropics: they have proven their effectiveness and are well tolerated, with a minimum of side effects.

You need to understand that plants contain a mixture of different substances, among which there are both useful and ballast components.

In the native form, the active substances are also poorly absorbed in the intestines, which is more typical for flavonoids.

Because of this, you should not expect a noticeable result from the use of decoctions and infusions of all the herbs.

For example, ginkgo biloba, safflower-like leuzea, blueberries, and grapes have proven themselves best.

These are safe and proven plants, with proven effectiveness.

What is a Nootropic Effect?

What is a Nootropic Effect?
What is a Nootropic Effect?

In the modern world, it sometimes already seems that our brain resources are not enough, especially with increased psycho-emotional stress at work or study.

Let’s try to figure out what these magical remedies are and how to choose and take nootropics to improve brain function.

Effects that develop when taking nootropics:

  • Nootropic effect – restoration of lost cortical functions (thinking, attention, speech)
  • Mnemotropic effect improving memory and speeding up the learning process
  • Adaptogenic effect – increasing the ability of our body to withstand the adversity that surrounds us every day
  • Anti-asthenic effect – helps to fight the manifestations of physical and mental fatigue
  • Psychostimulant effect – fights with a decrease in will, poverty of motives, apathy, emotional coldness
  • Antidepressant effect – improves results in the complex treatment of depression
  • Sedative action – stabilizes mood in case of emotional lability

The effects from nootropics develop slowly and appear after a few weeks, and can reach their maximum only after months.

Most often, nootropics to restore and improve the functions of the central nervous system are used in neurological and neurosurgical practice, especially in the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered traumatic damage to the central nervous system.

For the complex therapy of the consequences of ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, as well as for headaches, nootropics are also prescribed to improve brain function.

In psychiatry and narcology, nootropics are used to combat the side effects of other psychotropic pills, as well as to combat alcohol addiction.

Sometimes people independently decide to take these nootropics to improve memory and attention during increased psycho-emotional stress.

The effectiveness of such measures remains doubtful, especially for short-term use.

General PROS & CONS of Nootropics

The benefit of nootropics is to improve cerebral blood supply. But with such undeniable effectiveness, these funds still cannot be considered completely safe.

 Some Nootropic pills should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since in this group they have a number of contraindications, among which are

  • Hypersensitivity to components;
  • The presence of chronic diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Many nootropics are contraindicated in epilepsy.


Nootropic therapy, with careful observance of the doctor’s recommendations, has a good effect on the body.

However, if the dosage is violated, the regimen is violated, or the wrong nootropic is chosen, side effects of nootropics can occur, which not only worsen the existing symptoms, but also provoke new disorders:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Headache;
  • Excitement and excessive nervousness;
  • Dyspepsia (disorder of the stomach).

Take or Not to Take Nootropics?


Nootropics have been gaining popularity in recent years.

You can take nootropic supplements without any fear because they will help you with cognitive performance and general health.

However, nootropics should not be taken as magic pills that help you become smarter and more capable.

Their role is to improve brain activity and increase resistance to psycho-emotional stress. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and notice the effect of nootropics, you should consult with a specialist.

Final Words

It would be unwise to refuse from the brain-boosting opportunities that nootropics provide.

But the main thing here is not to harm a person, because it has been proven that in order to achieve a noticeable effect, a long-term use of nootropics, weeks, months, are required.

If the nootropic is toxic or poorly tolerated, then the desired result will not be achieved in any way.


How long do nootropic effects last?

Nootropic pills usually have a fairly long latent period of action (the time that passes before the manifestation of a pharmacotherapeutic effect), and therefore are effective only with long-term use – at least a month.

So using them as brain activity stimulants in the absence of specific indications (for example, to improve memory before an exam) is simply not advisable.

Do nootropics help long term?

Yes, if we are talking about nootropic supplements then the more we take it the more benefits we will get. They have a cumulative effect.

One of the most common side effects is withdrawal. With a sharp withdrawal of drugs, the body begins to suffer. The effect manifests itself in different ways: headache, dizziness, lethargy, irritability, insomnia, and so on.

Therefore, the course of many nootropics ends smoothly, even if the effect of them was not felt.

Is Caffeine Nootropic?

The effect of caffeine on the central nervous system is in many ways similar to the effect of amphetamine, but less stronger.

Caffeine has a direct stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex, stimulates mental activity, increases mental and physical performance, physical activity, and shortens reaction time.

After taking it, cheerfulness appears, fatigue and drowsiness are temporarily eliminated or reduced.