Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro Vs Qualia : My 90 Days Test Exposed

Today, when it comes to nootropics, there are two big players that everyone’s buzzing about: Mind Lab Pro and Qualia.

These two brain-boosting supplements have been ruling the nootropic scene for a while, and tons of folks are popping them like candy.

So, you might be thinking, “Do these things really live up to the hype?”

Well, in this report, I’m diving deep into the nitty-gritty to find out just how well these nootropics stack up against each other.

So, kick back and join me for our no-holds-barred showdown: Qualia Mind vs. Mind Lab Pro.


Mind Lab Pro Vs Qualia
Mind Lab Pro Vs Qualia


Mind Lab Pro Vs Qualia Mind

Mind Lab ProMind Lab Pro is a universal nootropic supplement that targets all types of cognitive abilities among people of all ages. [Click here for Full Mind Lab Pro Review]

Qualia Mind is different from most nootropic stacks out at the market because it contains a stunning 28 ingredients that act on the body’s internal pathways that regulate your focus, creativity, and memory.

It’s developed by a team of MDs, PhDs, and qualified scientists in the fields of neurobiology and organic chemistry.

If you don’t want to read through the full report, I’ve found Mind Lab Pro to be an effective, safe and well-put-together supplement.

Getting your hands on it straight from the official website is the smart move. Why, you ask?

Well, it’s a double win. First, it keeps those sneaky competitors from dropping some fake reviews on random third-party sites.

Second, and this is the kicker, you’re guaranteed to snag the freshest and greatest deal straight from the source – the manufacturer themselves. So, don’t miss out on this one-two punch of authenticity and the sweetest deal around.


Mind Lab Pro Vs Qualia Mind

The 3 Best Brain Health Supplements

I’ve picked the top three nootropic stacks that are available to you right now for cognitive support.


 My Experience with Mind Lab Pro & Qualia 

Both giant companies who designed these supplements are aimed to deliver exactly very similar benefits.

These 2 supplements have advanced formulas that are a little bit different in some components.

Here is the breakdown of the two nootropics that helps you see which factors give one an edge over the other.


   Mind Lab PRO Qualia
Ingredients 11 28
Capsules per 1 bottle 60 154
Supplement Formula Fully transparent formula, Free of toxins, allergens, GMOs, and heavy metals Made up of natural top-notch ingredients
Who created it? Opti Nutra, a performance supplement company, started in the UK in 2015.

Their team of experts, including neuroscientist Dr. Ramon Velasquez, Ph.D., take part in formulating Mind Lab Pro.

It’s developed by a team of MDs, PhDs, and qualified scientists in the fields of neurobiology and organic chemistry.
Where to buy? ONLY official website

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Qualia & Mind Lab Pros & Cons 


Mind Lab Pro

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Improved stress resistance
  • Enhanced focus
  • Sharper information processing
  • Better memory
  • Reduced brain fog
  • Long-range neuron protection
  • Less stress & anxiety
  • Stomach discomfort, especially during the first few days of use

Qualia Mind

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Amplify Willpower
  • Upgrade Energy
  • Enhance Creativity
  • Promote Mental Clarity
  • Decrease Procrastination
  • Boost Brain Nutrition
  • Lack any kind of scientific proof of ingredients

How do They Work? 

Both nootropics help the nervous system. They do it by either mimicking the role of a neurotransmitter and also attaching to receptors to incite a response, or even helping the production of different neurotransmitters .

Mind Lab Pro uses ingredients that have been proven in clinical trials to have beneficial nootropic effects for most people.



Qualia Mind is focused on immediate, short-term mental effects. This means you won’t be spending much time wondering if it works or not. You’ll know right off the bat.

Each of the 28 ingredients in Qualia Mind has its own role in boosting cognitive function. Some enhance brain energy, some neurotransmitters, and others help with brain blood flow.

Everyone’s brain chemistry is different, so for one person it might work, and for others, they might not notice much.


Ingredients of Nootropics


Mind Lab Pro  

Here’s the full list of Mind Lab Pro’s ingredients (I cover these below in detail):

Qualia <a href=

Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 – They are especially important for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, sugars and proteins, and help the body convert these nutrients into energy.


Bacopa Monnieri

The healing properties of Bacopa Monnieri are used in the following cases: like a brain tonic.

Stimulates brain function, strengthens memory, improves concentration, attention, gives clarity of mind, nourishes the brain, rejuvenates brain cells, normalizes cerebral circulation.

In addition it relieves fatigue after strenuous mental activity, prevents stress and eliminates headaches.

Treats atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and also helps to install balance between the left and right hemispheres of our brain.

Bacopa Monnieri increases efficiency, learning ability, improves short-term and long-term memory, and treats amnesia.

It expands the cognitive abilities of healthy people, activates their mental activity and last but not least your ability to memorize and reproduce information.


Lion’s Mane Mushroom

It can be safely called a panacea for a number of different diseases.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom has received a very wide application precisely in diseases associated with the nervous system.

It increases your natural growth factor production, which stimulates your nerve regeneration, which in turn ensures a good brain and nervous system function.

 Mane Mushroom – improves memory, eliminates depression and anxiety as well as increases energy.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola rosea may improve cognitive function, memory and mental performance, especially under stressful conditions.

For example, participants in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) who took Rhodiola rosea made fewer mistakes compared to those who were given a placebo.

In addition, as the duration of testing increased over many hours, the difference in performance became even greater, which means that subjects who took Rhodiola were able to maintain a higher level of performance without mental exhaustion for up to 8 hours.



L-theanine is often used by athletes as it improves concentration and relaxes our muscles.

According to a research, L-theanine has the following benefits:

  • Reduces the risk of developing diabetes
  • Reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases
  • Reduces pressure
  • Improves the body’s immune system.


Maritime Pine Bark Extract

  •  It helps the body repair vitamin C
  • Reduces the risk of cataracts
  • Improves Heart Health and Normalizes Blood Pressure
  • Helps Reduce Varicose Veins
  • Its antiplatelet properties prevent platelets from sticking together and forming blood clots (like aspirin, fish oil and sea krill oil)
  • Protects against hay fever, allergies and lung disease
  • Reduces joint inflammation caused by arthritis
  • Reduces menstrual irregularities
  • Improves memory function



Phosphatidylserine, which enters the nervous tissue with food or dietary supplements, has the following effects on your body:

  • Improves trophic processes in the gray and white matter of the brain tissue;
  • Helps to improve memory and thinking, concentration of attention;
    stabilizes mood;
  • Increases the resistance of the brain to the effects of adverse factors (stress, harmful food additives, nicotine, radiation);
  • Promotes the formation of new interneuronal connections, due to which new information is well absorbed;
  • Working capacity (mental and physical) is activated, fatigue decreases;

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine

This is an optically isomeric form of the aromatic amino acid, tyrosine.

The substance is involved in lipid metabolism, regulates appetite, improves melanin synthesis, normalizes the work of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland.

The amino acid L tyrosine is a nonessential one, as it is produced in the body. The deficiency is partially compensated for with protein foods.

The compound was first discovered in cheese by the German scientist Liebig. Tyrosine is needed to build protein molecules in all our tissues, it is part of your enzymes, and can partially replace molecular cross-links in the absence of other substances in our body.

Cognizin (Citicoline)

Cytosolic promotes the biosynthesis of phospholipids in the membranes of brain neurons. Thanks to this, this substance is able to reduce cerebral edema.

Thus, it is widely used to recover from craniocerebral trauma, as well as in violation of blood circulation in the brain.

Cytocolin can improve your memory and your ability to focus, therefore it is used for multiple sclerosis, amnesia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Qualia Mind Ingredients

Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro Honest Reviews
Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro Honest Reviews
Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro Honest Reviews
Qualia Mind vs Mind Lab Pro Honest Reviews


As you can see, Qualia has loads of ingredients. While the formula isn’t perfect, I’m still impressed with it.

There are plenty of great choices here. Below I’ll see what each of these ingredients that Mind Lab does not have and how it can help your mental performance.

It contains loads of effective nootropics, nutrients that will make you more productive, increase your focus, and lift your mood.

However, some of the ingredients need more long-term research. Only then will I be able to say with certainty that it’s the best nootropic stack overall.



Acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino acid. It is produced by the kidneys in the human body, gives it energy, has antioxidant properties and helps in the fight against free radicals.

It protects the brain, improves the quality of cognitive processes, makes the mind clearer and more efficient.

Increases the physical performance of a person. It removes toxins, free radicals and other harmful substances from your body.


Rhodiola Extract

The extract has a general tonic effect.

Increases the body’s resistance to adverse effects, such as environmental pollution, exposure to pathogenic microflora and viruses, exposure to high and low temperatures. Increases physical and mental performance.


Artichoke Leaf & Stem Extract

Artichoke extract normalizes the absorption of fats and maintains a healthy state of your cardiovascular system, thanks to the presence of such components as luteolin and apigenin in its composition.

Uridine Monophosphate

Uridine Monophosphate is an important building block used to create RNA, and increase synthesis of brain phosphatidylcholine.

Studies have shown it may enhance the formation of synaptic connections, increase cholinergic brain function, and upregulate dopamine receptors



Improves mood, treats mild depression, maintains motivation and satisfaction, gives vigor, increases mental alertness.



It stabilizes cell membranes and the electrolyte composition of the cytoplasm of cells.

Maintaining cellular homeostasis in areas of acute and chronic inflammatory reactions. Decrease in the concentration and inhibition of the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes. Reduction of oxidative damage to DNA in leukocytes.

Improving the state of mitochondria, restoring tissue respiration, stimulating ATP synthesis. Optimization of energy and metabolic intracellular processes.

Prevents damage to antioxidant enzymes, enhancing their activity and expression.

Promotes the absorption of vitamins C and E. Regulation of the level of Na, K and

Alpha GPC

Alpha GPC is a highly effective cognitive dysfunction drug with the largest evidence base of any choline precursor.

Experimental studies have shown that choline alfoscerate stimulates dose-dependent release of acetylcholine under physiological conditions of neurotransmission.

Mucuna Pruriens Extract

This substance began to be used to treat Parkinson’s disease and other serious diseases of the human musculoskeletal system.

Mucuna beans are a traditional Ayurvedic remedy, recommended for nervous ailments. Despite the fact that the fruits of this plant are an excellent stimulant of the nervous system and sexual activity. Mucuna is often used to improve the quality of sleep without causing side effects.


Experimental studies have shown that theobromine, which is so close in chemical composition to caffeine, has a similar effect with the latter, causing excitement of the heart muscle in therapeutic doses.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Anhydrous caffeine is no different from regular caffeine, in other words, it is regular dry caffeine. It has exactly the same physiological effect and has no benefits.

Huperzia Serrata Extract (Huperzine A)

Here are the main features

  1. Recovery from imminent memory impairment and organic mental disorders
  2. Treatment of cerebrovascular diseases and brain injuries
  3. Helps in diseases of peripheral arterial occlusion and diabetic neuropathy


Lab Mind Pro, Qualia Ingredients



I want to mention that the ingredient formula in Mind Lab Pro is the top of the line. Today there’s no nootropic that can offer this level of quality ingredients right now.

Everything is made to ensure safety and efficacy.

Qualia Mind is probably the best short-term brain booster on the market right now. However, I don’t currently rate it as the #1 nootropic formula for long-term brain optimization.

It contains loads of effective nootropics, antioxidants, and nutrients that will make you more productive, increase your focus, and lift your mood.

However, some of the ingredients need more long-term research. Only then will I be able to say with certainty that it’s the best nootropic stack overall.


Where to Buy These Two Nootropics? 

Opti Nutra’s mind lab pro business model is unusual. Unlike most nootropic producers, they refuse to sell their supplements through 3rd-party sites like Amazon and other shops.

Chances are you won’t be seeing Mind Lab Pro in the shops anytime soon, perhaps ever. Opti Nutra only sells directly to their customers from their official website (MindLabPro.com).

While Qualia Mind cooperates with 3d parties, it is very easy to find this product at Amazon and other online sources.


What’s the Difference Between These two Supplements? 

If we mention nootropics ingredients, both supplements use a lot of ingredients compared to their competition Qualia Mind uses a small amount of caffeine while Mind Lab Pro is a-free-stimulant nootropic.

When I’m talking about Qualia Mind, it shows us that it is more effective for short-term energy production than Mind Lab Pro.

Mind Lab Pro is more focused on the memory aspect and long-term e effects of your brain performance.


 Qualia Or Mind Lab Pro: What to Choose?  

Qualia may actually works for increasing our focus and memory in a very short term, but if I mention Mind Lab Pro it will definitely work long-term .Qualia Mind contains ingredients which you cannot take daily.

If you want to increase your cognitive function you can get it with a nootropic stack designed for long-term use. That’s why I would highly recommend you Mind Lab Pro.



The 3 Best Brain Health Supplements


I’ve picked the top three nootropic stacks that are available to you right now for cognitive support.



Is qualia mind safe?

Qualia is considered to be safe when  you take it  properly but there are some side effects as well.

Qualia actually works for increasing our focus and memory in a very short term, but if I mention Mind Lab Pro it will definitely work long-term .Qualia Mind contains ingredients which you cannot take daily.

Is mind lab pro worth it?

Mind Lab Pro is considered to be a Nootropic of plant origin and acts very gently

It is worth it and  highly recommended  if you want to increase your cognitive function for a long lasting effect.

When to take Qualia?

Take it  when you increase focus and memory for a short lasting effect.

 Qualia must  be taken 5 days on and 2 days off each week. This will  maximize the benefits and can reduce side effects.

Does qualia mind really work?

Qualia Mind is a great formula that actually works. You can feel it kick in about 20 minutes after you take it and last for hours

What is the Qualia mind formula?

 Qualia Mind  has a good ingredient formula but not the best.

 The formula is good for a short term. It will start to work in  about 20 minutes after you take it and last for  several hours.

However, I don’t currently rate it as the #1 nootropic formula for long-term brain optimization.

How long does qualia mind last?

It will start to work in  about 20 minutes after you take it and last for  several hours.

How effective are Qualia?

Qualia has loads of ingredients. It contains loads of effective nootropics, nutrients that will make you more productive, increase your focus, and lift your mood.