Brain Fitness

Phosphatidylserine Foods - 6 Foods Rich in Phosphatidylserine (PS)

6 Foods Rich in Phosphatidylserine

Keep your mind sharp and your stress levels low by eating more of these Phosphatidylserine Foods.  Phosphatidylserine, or just PS, is a fatty substance made by your body that sheats and protects every single cell within you. It’s also involved in the clotting processes in your body. PS is an especially vital component of your […]

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What Nootropic Increases Serotonin?

What Nootropic Increases Serotonin?

We know that Nootropics activates receptors, delivers substances, or improves blood circulation. You may find it easier to learn new information, but the nootropic will not create new convolutions. What about Nootropics and increased hormones of good mood- Serotonin?  The Best  Organic Nootropic Supplement what  increases your mood is Mind Lab Pro. It optimizes 6

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Do Nootropics Enhance Mood?

Do Nootropics Enhance Mood?

Serotonin – the hormone of leadership and calmness. Have you noticed that some people are calm and always radiate confidence and charisma? One of the reasons for this is high levels of serotonin. It is a hormone that is responsible for our peace of mind, good mood and quality rest. Including sleep.⠀ Studies on monkeys

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