Many neurologists prescribe nootropics for all diseases.
It is believed that they save from dementia, improve memory and stimulate the brain.
And people believe that nootropic effect is among the top ten best-selling drugs, even in a pandemic.
I will tell you when they are used and whether they have an effect.
Are you looking for the best organic nootropic supplement instead f synthetic nootropics?
As for me, Mind Lab Pro is the best option available right now.
Mind Lab Pro focuses on cognitive function and general health more than any other nootropics.
Due to the Elements that Mind Lab Pro has, it compresses all the benefits of cognitive function, and even long-term mental well-being.
It Optimizes 6 different brain pathways: Neurotransmitters, brain energy, brain cell protection, cerebral blood flow, neurogenesis, and brainwaves.
What Are The Benefits of Nootropics?
The main benefit of nootropics is to improve cerebral blood supply.
The nootropics are good because they are not harmful to the body, do not affect important processes and reactions. Therefore, nootropics are used for the elderly and are used in pediatrics.
They are used in the treatment of encephalopathy, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.
Nootropics are also used for depression. Often, nootropics are included in the complex treatment of logo neuroses, tics, and are used for developmental delay in children.
The use of nootropics is aimed at:
- Improvement of cerebral circulation;
- Increase in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues;
- Increasing the level of activity and vivacity;
- Reduction of mental asthenia, weakness;
- Reduction of irritability, level of anxiety.
By influencing neurotransmitters, drugs should improve cognitive abilities, help to absorb information more productively, and increase efficiency.
But with such undeniable effectiveness, these nootropics cannot be considered completely safe.
Nootropics Drugs should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since this group has a number of contraindications, among which are:
- Hypersensitivity to components;
- The presence of chronic diseases;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Many nootropics are contraindicated in epilepsy.
Generally Nootropic therapy, with careful observance of the doctor’s recommendations, has a good effect on the body.
However, if the dosage is violated, the regimen is violated, or the wrong nootropic is chosen, side effects of nootropics can occur, which not only worsen the existing symptoms, but also provoke new disorders:
- Allergic reactions;
- Headache;
- Excitement and excessive nervousness;
- Dyspepsia (disorder of the stomach).
How Do Nootropics Help the Brain?
Nootropics are supplements that affect the metabolic processes in nerve cells, improve the blood supply to the central nervous system and, as a result, stimulate the integrative activity of the brain, i.e. memory, thinking and concentration.
This group of supplements have a wide spectrum of action and can be used both by healthy people to increase brain activity or with psycho-emotional overstrain, and by patients with already diagnosed diseases of the nervous system (consequences of traumatic brain injury, CNS damage, stroke, etc.).
How Effective Are Nootropics?
Nootropics are effective only when there is functional or organic damage to the brain.
In case of hypoxia or intoxication, after traumatic brain injuries and strokes, with neurological deficits in children with mental retardation and with degenerative brain lesions (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease), they enhance cognitive functions, speed up learning, reduce the number of errors in problem solving.
As for improving cognitive performance, hypothetically, nootropics improve brain function and increase the resistance of the nervous system to negative factors.
Everyone knows that nootropics are pills without proven effectiveness.
But they still continue to be used.
Their impact on learning has not been proven. When taking them, it is always worth remembering this, especially if you do it without a doctor’s prescription.
There are statistics, there are international protocols that help any doctor with nootropic prescription.
But at the same time, the personal experience of each doctor remains with a wide range: from “they are useless” to “they are effective in many patients.
In the majority of cases, the nootropics are well tolerated by patients and have extremely minor side effects (with the exception of their use in doses exceeding therapeutic ones, in which case intoxication is possible).
The Best Nootropics Without Prescription
In free sales in pharmacies are sold:
Ginkgo biloba is a herbal preparation.
Its main ingredient is ginkgo biloba extract.
In the list of its effects: strengthening the vascular walls, normalizing blood circulation, slowing down cell aging, improving cognitive functions.
Mind Lab Pro has been a leading nootropic on the market for a while now, and many people are using it.
For the most part, the ingredient dosages in Mind Lab Pro are excellent. This cuts down the risk of side effects while maximizing benefits.
And because they fully show how much of each ingredient you get per serving, you can adjust the dosage to your wants and needs.
Mind Lab Pro is Available on the Official Website…
Glycine is one of the amino acids needed to build proteins in our body and protect neurons from overexcitation. It is used to increase mental performance, reduce the effects of stress, as part of the complex therapy of nervous diseases associated with increased excitability. There are no studies confirming the real effectiveness.
Final Words: Do Nootropics Make You Smarter?
Nootropics have been gaining popularity in recent years.
But to date, there is still no unambiguous opinion about the effectiveness of the nootropics.
Based on the available information, nootropics can improve cognitive abilities.
However, nootropics should not be taken as magic pills that help you become smarter and more capable. Their role is to improve brain activity and increase resistance to psycho-emotional stress.
In order not to make a mistake with the choice and notice the effect of nootropics, you should consult with a specialist.
Can Children Use Nootropics?
The nootropics for children are used in pediatrics for the treatment of pathologies caused by dysfunction of the central nervous system. In the first years of life, they are most often prescribed for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in cases of suspected psychomotor retardation.
Later – to improve memory, attention, ability to assimilate and reproduce information.
Do nootropics make you smarter?
Nootropic drugs usually have a fairly long latent period of action (the time that passes before the manifestation of a pharmacotherapeutic effect), and therefore are effective only with prolonged use – at least a month.
So using them as brain activity stimulants in the absence of specific indications (for example, to improve memory before an exam) is simply not advisable.
Can Nootropics Cause Brain Damage?
Yes, with prolonged use, they cause irreversible changes in the psyche and behavior, leading to a decrease in intelligence and chronic mental disorders – psychosis, depression.
They can also adversely affect peripheral organs and tissues, especially the cardiovascular system.