Today, stress has firmly entered the life of a modern person.
This phenomenon is harmless, as it might seem at first glance.
Stressful situations gradually undermine and deplete the nervous system.
The person becomes irritable, forgetful, and experiences constant fatigue. There are problems with cognitive functions, sleep is disturbed.
In the future, all this can develop into serious nervous or mental disorders.
In such situations, nootropic supplements come to the rescue – they can protect the nervous system from the effects of negative factors and improve brain function.
Some of the most famous supplements include medicines such as Picamilon and Phenibut.
Today let’s look closer at them and understand who they are and why you need them…
Are you looking for the best nootropic supplement what improves memory?
As for me, Mind Lab Pro is the best option available right now.
Mind Lab Pro focuses on cognitive function and general health more than any other nootropics.
Due to the Elements that Mind Lab Pro has, it compresses all the benefits of cognitive function, and even long-term mental well-being.
It Optimizes 6 different brain pathways: Neurotransmitters, brain energy, brain cell protection, cerebral blood flow, neurogenesis, and brainwaves.
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Picamilon vs Phenibut Comparison Table
Picamilon | Phenibut | |
What is this? | Picamilon is a nootropic with a pronounced effect of vasodilatation of the brain. | Phenibut is a nootropic and anxiolytic medicine with a pronounced sedative effect. |
What are the benefits? | It has antioxidant, psychostimulatory, antiplatelet properties.
It also has a weak tranquilizing effect. The nootropic helps to improve brain function, increasing the resistance of cells to destruction by free radicals. Due to the antiaggregant action of this nootropic, the process of platelet aggregation is suppressed, and the rate of blood circulation in the cerebral vessels increases. It normalizes the metabolism. The antioxidant effect of this nootropic allows you to stabilize brain functional activity. It helps improve cognitive function. |
The nootropic effect of this nootropic is manifested in its effect on the integrative function of the human brain.
Phenibut increases the resistance of brain tissues to the action of various harmful factors, such as hypoxia or increased mental stress. In addition, it allows you to normalize brain functions, improves blood circulation in the central nervous system, and ensures an effective metabolic process in brain cells. By stabilizing blood circulation in the cerebral vessels, the nootropic increases volumetric and linear blood flow. Due to this, spontaneous platelet aggregation is reduced, which reduces the risk of blood clots in patients suffering from cerebrovascular accidents. As an anxiolytic (tranquilizer), the pharmaceutical preparation reduces the excitability of the limbic structures of the brain, which are responsible for the emotional state, and eliminates excessive irritability. |
For Whom is Picamilon vs Phenibut?
Picamilon | Phenibut | |
For Whom is this nootropic? | It is prescribed for such pathological conditions as:
In addition, the nootropic has shown good efficacy in the treatment of various urinary disorders in both adult patients and children after 3 years of age. |
It is prescribed for such pathological conditions as:
It is often prescribed to relieve stress before certain invasive diagnostic procedures or before surgical interventions. |
Contraindications and Side Effects | Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, chronic renal failure, children under 3 years of age, allergies to components.
The nootropic rarely shows side effects. In some cases, there may be bouts of nausea, redness of the face (“hot flashes”), headache, and hypotension. |
You can not take nootropic for people with ulcers or erosions of the gastrointestinal tract, acute kidney failure, individual intolerance to the components, women in position and during lactation, as well as children under 8 years old.
Despite its low toxicity, nootropics can cause side effects. Patients may experience a burning sensation in the stomach, pressure drops, headache, nausea. |

Picamilon vs Phenibut Ingredient Table
Picamilon | Phenibut | |
What are the main components? | The main active ingredient in the composition of the nootropic is N – nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid, which stimulates metabolic processes in brain cells.
In pharmacies, the nootropic comes in two forms: tablets and instant powder. |
The main active ingredient of the nootropic is aminophenyl butyric acid hydrochloride, which acts as an inhibitor of CNS mediators in the body.
This pharmaceutical product is available only in the form of tablets only. |
What is the Dosage of Picamilon vs Phenibut?
Picamilon does not have an immediate therapeutic effect. It is intended for course treatment.
Results will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks of regular use.
The full course of treatment is 1.5-3 months.
Phenibut is usually prescribed in courses lasting 1-1.5 months. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a second course of treatment, but only on the condition that at least 3 weeks have passed after the first course.
The therapeutic effect becomes noticeable already in the first week of treatment.
What are Picamilon vs Phenibut Similarities?
- The presented medicines are included in one pharmacological group – nootropics.
- They have the ability to improve blood circulation in the brain and prevent vascular thrombosis.
- They improve intellectual capabilities.
- They Protect brain tissue cells from the effects of internal and external negative factors.
- The medications in question overlap in a number of prescriptions (depression, anxiety, asthenia, etc.)
- They have a high safety profile and low toxicity, due to which they can be prescribed to children.
- They have almost identical contraindications and side effects.
The Differences of Picamilon Vs Phenibut
Despite many similarities, the nootropics also have a number of differences:
- The main distinguishing feature is the different chemical composition. Despite the fact that the basis of both medicines is “aminobutyric acid”, in “Phenibut” it is present in conjunction with a group of phenyls.
“Pikamilon” also contains nicotinic acid instead of phenyls, due to which it has a pronounced vasodilating effect. - Pikamilon” has primarily a nootropic effect. In the second pharmaceutical, tranquilizing properties are more pronounced, and nootropics are moderately expressed.
- Long-term treatment with “Phenibut” in some cases can cause addiction. Therefore, it is sold strictly by prescription. As for Phenibut, it is not addictive.
- The therapeutic effect of Phenibut manifests itself faster than that of the Phenibut
“Pikamilon” dilates the vessels of the brain, which can lead to a drop in blood pressure. Other pharmaceuticals do not have such properties. - Forms of release of medicines are also not the same. “Pikamilon” is sold in tablet and powder forms, the second nootropic- only in tablets.
Final Words of What to Choose?
Which of the above nootropics is better, it is difficult to say.
It all depends on the specific pathology, the characteristics of the patient’s body.
“Picamilon” is preferred if a person has a disease that is of an organic nature (strokes, etc.).
It should also be chosen to improve mindfulness and memory.
I would suggest you to take Phenibut when the brain structure is preserved, there is no organic damage, but only functional disorders (fear, anxiety, insomnia caused by stress, etc.).
In each case, treatment should be prescribed by a specialist – a psychiatrist or neurologist.
Can I take Picamilon vs Phenibut?
In some pathologies, it is possible to prescribe both nootropics to enhance the effect of each other, while in others, on the contrary, their combination is unacceptable.
So, it is up to the attending physician to determine which of the nootropics to prescribe, and which one will be more effective for a particular patient.
Are Picamilon vs Phenibut the same Products?
The effectiveness of Picamilon is quite similar to Phenibut. This means that these nootropics have similar effects.
How Long Does Picamilon Last?
You will get the effects in the first few hours after a single dose. The Effect will last for 4-5 hours.
Picamilon improves the functional state of the brain by normalizing tissue metabolism and affecting cerebral circulation (increases the volumetric and linear velocity of cerebral blood flow, reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels, inhibits platelet aggregation, improves microcirculation).