What makes our men strong, self-confident and ready for deeds for the sake of their loved ones?
A good upbringing and a correct lifestyle – of course. But they would not give the desired effect without the hormone testosterone, which, in fact, ensures the masculinity of the MEN.
Sometimes the production of this substance needs to be further stimulated. For such purposes, a testosterone booster is produced.
Let’s find out how it works, why and who needs it.
What is a testosterone booster?
This is the name given to special dietary supplements or sports nutrition products that stimulate the production of testosterone by the body itself.
Testosterone boosters can be divided according to the type of exposure:
- Aromatase inhibitor. Suppresses the action of aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into the female hormone estradiol.
The natural compound testosterone is used as an inhibitor. It is extracted from safflower leuzea and other plants. Thanks to its effects, the level of testosterone in the body increases. - Stimulants of testosterone production.
They contain substances that stimulate the production of the hormone by the body. These include:
- Magnesium – activates the production of enzymes, helps to restore strength after physical exertion;
- Zinc – participates in protein synthesis, helps to keep the amount of hormones at the proper level;
- Vitamin B2 – helps to regulate reproductive function;
- Vitamin B6 – participates in the creation of enzymes;
- Vitamin E – helps to normalize the reproductive system.
Testosterone Booster – My Top Pick
Our favorite Testosterone Booster is: TestLabPro. You Can find more details about it in our detailed review HERE.
The effect of a testosterone booster on the body
The percentage of free testosterone production begins to decrease from the age of 30-35 at a rate of 1.2% per year, and the total – from 50 years to 0.4-1% annually.
Therefore, the use of boosters is recommended for 30-40-year-old men. Boosters are used with certain benefits for:
- Helps to improve metabolism, which leads to a decrease in body fat and an increase in muscle mass.
- Promotes the flow of protein and glycogen into the muscles, thereby aiding recovery from exercise.
- Helps improve endurance and performance.
- It has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
- It helps to increase testosterone levels, thus stimulating libido.
Such complexes are in demand among men involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting, and martial arts.
Testosterone plays an essential role in sports:
- Promotes muscle growth;
- Raises the level of endurance;
- Increases self-confidence and
- Improves concentration.
These products are needed by almost any member of the stronger sex after forty, when the natural production of the hormone decreases.
What affects low testosterone in men:
- Potency decreases;
- Muscle mass is quickly lost;
- Fat builds up;
The nervous system suffers – there is a tendency to depression and sleep disorders, memory deteriorates.
All of these manifestations can be largely compensated for with a testosterone booster.
When is the best time to take a testosterone booster?
During meals – so it is fully absorbed. And no later than 18 hours – so as not to cause overexcitation of the nervous system before bedtime.
Testosterone Boosters – My Top Picks
My #1 Top Pick
TestoLabPro is our favorite booster, for so many reasons you can read here, it cannot be found on Amazon and can be purchased directly from the manufacture Opti-Nutra website here
2. Tribulus
It contains an extract of the plant “creeping tribulus” (tribulus (lat.)).
The main component of the supplement is protodioscin (an important steroid saponin), which causes the anterior pituitary gland to secrete more peptide luteinizing hormone.
Since by the age of 30, its level begins to decrease, it becomes more difficult for a person to increase the volume of muscle tissue. Stimulation of the hormone increases testosterone levels and smooths out age-related decline.
This supplement has earned particular popularity among bodybuilders. With its help, muscle mass is well gained, excess subcutaneous fat is removed and endurance develops.
Tribulus use: from 500 to 1500 mg per day with an interval of 6-8 hours, since the supplement lasts no more than 8 hours.
Capsules are available at 500 mg, which means that the rate will be 1-3 capsules per day. The substance in powder is divided into 2-3 daily doses.
3. ZMA
Another popular supplement among bodybuilders. It is believed that in addition to increasing the amount of testosterone, ZMA is able to raise the level of IGF 1 (insulin-like growth factor).
Athletes who do not use third-party nutritional supplements are deficient in zinc or magnesium.
Magnesium is present in foods (nuts, vegetables) that athletes try to avoid due to fear of gaining excess weight. Its deficiency can cause:
- High fatigue;
- Decreased performance;
- Sensations of “weakness” of muscles, their weakness;
- Disturbances from the work of the heart;
- Muscle twitching, cramps;
- Insomnia and loss of appetite.
It is also important for bodybuilders to get magnesium because when using fat burning programs, it is significantly spent on combating the effects of stress and assimilating protein.
Zinc deficiency has been proven in people undergoing high physical activity. Taking only 30 mg of zinc in the supplement doubles the amount of testosterone (in six months).
The list of ZMA ingredients also includes pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It has the ability to smooth out the catabolic effects of cortisol and significantly increase free testosterone levels (by 30%).
Take the supplement – 1 serving at night, half an hour before going to bed.
4. Ecdysterone
The molecular composition of ecdysterone (a naturally occurring steroid compound) is very similar to that of anabolic hormones.
The substance acts on the genome indirectly, through the activation of intracellular receptors and is a regulator of secondary messenger systems.
Ecdysterone has a beneficial effect on bone and muscle tissue, causing muscle growth and increasing muscle strength. Unlike anabolic steroids, the use of ecdysterone does not threaten any side effects.
The recommended intake is at least 400 mg per day. Smaller dosages are ineffective. Ecdysterone is subject to rapid destruction in the body, therefore, it is shown 3 times a day.
The course is 3-8 weeks. After a week’s break, the course is repeated. For a greater effect, ecdysterone is used with protein (100 g of protein daily).
Testosterone boosters are not recommended for:
- Hypertension;
- Cardiovascular pathologies;
- Impaired renal function;
- Sudden mood swings and excessive aggressiveness.
Along with taking boosters, it is also acceptable to use the usual supplements (creatine, protein, BCAAs). In such an interaction, they show themselves most effectively.
Testosterone Booster My Final Words
Remember that, testosterone affects the processes in the brain, adipose and bone tissue, cardiovascular system, male genital organs, it is responsible for reproductive activity.
This androgen regulates the metabolism of essential nutrients, affects the growth of muscle tissue, and stimulates hematopoiesis.
Testosterone boosters are needed by the body during intense exercise.
An increase in its level depends on many factors, but, first of all, on the application of significant muscle strength for a fairly long time (more than 15 minutes), and the breaks should be short.
During competition, a testosterone booster could help to mobilize all of the body’s functional capabilities.