Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in?

Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in? TOP 4

Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in?

Creatine is a substance synthesized by the human liver and pancreas from the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine is one of the most important nutritional supplements for athletes. It is completely safe for the body and helps to gain muscle mass.

Creatine also acts as an immune stimulant, since it has an anti-inflammatory effect in colds. Can be taken by men and women, both young and old. The substance is an absolutely natural additive and has practically no contraindications.

Why is Creatine Useful?

Creatine is a source of energy for muscle tissues to help them cope with stress more efficiently. With a low level of amino acids in the muscles, a rapid depletion of the muscles occurs, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of training.

The First signs of  low level of  amino acids:

  • The appearance of a burning sensation in the muscles, followed by a feeling of severe fatigue.
  • The positive effect of the supplement on the overall endurance of the body, accelerating metabolism
  • An improving protein synthesis. At the moment, creatine monohydrate is the most researched supplement by scientists, and its absolute safety has been repeatedly confirmed.

Sports nutrition with creatine allows you to:

  1. Increase strength and endurance;
  2. To form relief muscles without fatty layers;
  3. Neutralize lactic acid;
  4. To suppress the process of destruction of muscle tissue as much as possible;
  5. Reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the body;
  6. Quickly restore muscles after training;
  7. Stabilize blood composition.

In addition, creatine is successfully used in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, and is a reliable protection of the nervous system.


How and when to take creatine?

For effective work, the substance must enter the muscle tissue as quickly as possible. And best of all, the body absorbs creatine when insulin levels rise to maximum. For example, immediately after waking up, after eating sugary foods, or an hour after training.

Creatine-based supplements can be mixed with gainers, protein shakes, and other amino acids. You can achieve maximum digestibility by combining it with high-carbohydrate foods: fruit juices, cocktails, sweets.


Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in?
It is worth noting that some manufacturers of sports nutrition have developed special creatine supplements with a transport system, which are absorbed by the body almost instantly.   

How much creatine should you take?

The dosage regimen for a creatine supplement is as follows:

The first 5 days, you should take creatine 25 grams per day, dividing the receptions by 5 times 5 grams each: in the morning and 20 minutes before eating during the day. This will dramatically increase the concentration of the amino acid in muscle tissue.

Then you need to take a supplement of 3-5 grams daily for 40 days. You can take it at your choice: both immediately after waking up and an hour after training.

Like most amino acids, creatine is most effective when used as a course. Therefore, you should take the supplement as a course for 45 days, then take a break for about 4 weeks, and then resume taking it. If you do not take breaks, muscle tissue will get used to the increased dosage of the amino acid and stop responding to it.

Powdered creatine can be mixed with water. After taking the supplement, you can drink a glass of juice – this will have a positive effect on the digestibility.

It is not recommended to take creatine in its pure form, as it is destroyed by the acidic environment of the stomach and is neutralized in the digestive process. In this regard, it is worth drinking creatine on an empty stomach.

This supplement has been found to be beneficial in promoting muscle recovery following hard training. In this connection, scientists also recommend taking creatine on rest days.


Important! Choose additives in powders over ready-made solutions. The fact is that when in contact with water, creatine monohydrate is destroyed, and taking solutions will not allow the body to receive the required dose of the amino acid.

The Types of Creatine

Creatine is available in different forms:

  • Powder (the most common option),
  • Tablets
  • and Capsules.

Each type of supplement has its own pros and cons.

Powdered creatine is the most profitable option financially, but it is not always convenient to take it with you, in addition, you will need a shaker and time to prepare a drink. Taking the supplement in tablets or capsules is much easier and more convenient, although such options are more expensive.

There are more than 10 variants of creatine forms on the sports nutrition market: citrate, phosphate, malate, ethyl ether, alkalized, etc. But the most famous, working and beneficial form is the monohydrate form. It is this form of creatine that is the mainstay of many sports nutrition manufacturers.

TOP Creatine

1.Creatine Powder by Optimum Nutrition

Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in?

It is Pure Creatine Monohydrate from Leading Sports Nutrition Brand Optimum Nutrition. In production, a patented method is used, thanks to which creatine is obtained absolutely tasteless and odorless. Also, the powder is additionally crushed – micronized – so that it mixes more easily with water.

Main pluses:

  • No taste / odor, no colorants or fragrances,
  • Maximum product concentration,
  • Mixes well with water / juice,
  • Has no sediment.

2.Ultimate Nutrition 100% Micronized Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in?

Ultimate Nutrition Americans form the basis of many sports nutrition rankings due to the high quality of the products they produce.

Creatine supplementation in monohydrate form as long won the hearts and muscles of many athletes. The micronized powder mixes easily with sweetened water or juice, energizing muscle cells for heavy gym work.

Main pluses:

  • Dissolves well, leaving no residue,
  • Has no side effects,
  • Price.

3.Creatine Powder от Universal Nutrition

Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in?


Another famous American brand and one of its best products is creatine monohydrate. This additive is patented and called Creapure.

The powder is colorless, odorless and tasteless and helps to increase strength and endurance during exercise by providing the body with the raw materials for energy production.

Main pluses:

  • Without flavoring and aromatic additives,
  • Great quality.

P.S the powder does not dissolve completely, which, however, does not affect its absorption.


4.ALLMAX Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate Powder

Creatine: What is it? How long for creatine to kick in?

The Canadian brand AllMax uses only pharmaceutically pure Creapure in the production of this supplement. In addition Powder grinding uses CreaMax technology.

Main pluses:

  • High quality, confirmed by the international GMP certificate,
  • Micronized.

The Side Effects of Creatine

According to numerous studies, there is practically no harm from taking creatine. Its use harms the body no more than eating meat.

One of the most common side effects (occurring in less than 4% of cases) is water retention. It is absolutely not worth taking diuretics for elimination, the water leaves on its own during a break in taking.

Currently, creatine is the most effective sports supplement available. There have been many studies on its intake and effects on the body. The substance not only has a positive effect in sports, but also has a general healing effect.

Do not be afraid to take creatine, as it is harmless when the dosage is observed, and the effect of taking it is colossal.

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