Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): Science, Myths & Facts

What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?


The very concept of “substitution” implies replenishment, replacement in the body of a deficiency of a substance.

In case of lack of testosterone, it is necessary to compensate for it with medicine or a booster such as TestLabPro.

The relationship between hormonal disorders and the abuse of anabolic steroids and testosterone has been proven by a number of scientific studies.

In the male body, the production of hormones decreases. Conversely, testosterone in women increases above their inherent level.

This leads to an increase in masculine traits: a decrease in breast size, a coarser voice and increased hair growth.

When is substitution therapy prescribed?

For the appointment of testosterone supplements, a number of conditions are necessary. First of all, the doctor will establish the indications for such treatment:

  • The presence of symptoms of testosterone deficiency (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction,
  • Decreased physical strength, decreased performance, irritability, drowsiness, depression, hot flashes and a number of others)
  • Laboratory confirmed reduced testosterone levels
  • No contraindications to HRT

In men, ending or decreasing hormone production usually leads to sex and gender issues, mood disorders, blood glucose-related diseases, and thyroid dysfunctions.

Testosterone replacement therapy mainly consists of pharmacological treatments to replace testosterone, which declines with age.



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In men, plasma testosterone levels provide reliable visualization of testosterone production dysfunctions


Testosterone Replacement Therapy


In young and adult men, the reference value for the level of testosterone in the blood plasma is 10–35 nmol / L.

In older men, the minimum control value is slightly lower.

A low level (less than 8 nmol / L) together with clinical symptoms indicates a lack of testosterone.

Clinical symptoms include decreased libido and virilization, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass and strength, increased body fat, decreased bone density, and psychological symptoms such as depression .

Is this substitution therapy or voluntary treatment?


Experiments with testosterone therapy should be preceded by appropriate diagnostic tests to rule out other diseases.

Plasma testosterone levels should be measured reliably, for example by liquid phase chromatography / mass spectrometry.

It is recommended to repeat the study several days in the morning.

Testosterone replacement therapy does not eliminate the risks.

It can increase the risks of heart disease, stop testosterone production in the body, or delay treatment for actual organic diseases, in case the cause of low testosterone is not identified.

However, these risks do not apply to men who, for objective reasons, have low testosterone levels.

Voluntary substitution therapy can be used as doping in sports. Usually the reason for treatment is the body’s inability to produce testosterone.

Medical treatment always takes into account all kinds of diseases of the heart, kidneys or liver, as well as other conditions that may affect the safety of substitution therapy.

Voluntary substitution therapy is also associated with risks of injecting. The wrong way of doing the injections or the wrong injection site can have negative health effects such as infections or abscesses.

The initiation of testosterone replacement therapy should be continually assessed on an individual basis in consultation with a healthcare professional.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Low testosterone levels caused by experiments with stimulant medicine usually recover on their own without the need for replacement therapy.

However, a few men may experience further decreased libido, fatigue, or infertility.

What effect can be expected from testosterone Replacement Therapy?

In the absence of contraindications and proper control of treatment, hormone replacement therapy brings only positive aspects to life.

Indicators of the effectiveness of testosterone therapy and at the same time the goals of the treatment are:

  • Increased libido
  • Decrease in the severity or disappearance of vegetative-vascular and mental disorders
  • With long-term treatment (more than 1 year) – an increase in bone density
  • Decrease in the frequency of fractures
  • Reducing the severity of obesity
  • Gain in muscle mass
  • Laboratory parameters: an increase in the level of hemoglobin or the number of red blood cells; lowering cholesterol levels

Oral route of administration

Testosterone undecanoate is an ester by its chemical structure and can be taken orally.

The route of absorption of the supplements is lymphatic; it enters the bloodstream through the thoracic lymphatic duct.

The peculiarities of absorption and pharmacokinetics of testosterone undecanoate when administered orally determines the need to take it 2-3 times a day simultaneously with food rich in fats.

This supplement has been used in clinical practice for more than 30 years and can be prescribed for patients with mild forms of hypogonadism.

Transdermal route of administration

Testosterone patches are able to mimic the circadian rhythms of the secretion of this hormone and increase its serum concentration to normal values.

However, there is still no convincing evidence that mimicking the physiological secretion of testosterone is associated with any objective clinical benefits.

The disadvantages of testosterone patches are that they are visible on the skin and often cause irritation.

Intramuscular injection

It is still widely used for the purpose of testosterone replacement therapy, enanthate, which entered clinical practice about 50 years ago.

The shelf-life of this supplement is 4.5 days; the maximum concentration of testosterone in the blood is reached 10 hours after a single intramuscular injection at a dose of 250 mg.

The study of the pharmacokinetics of successive doses of the supplement made it possible to determine the optimal time interval between injections – it is 2-3 weeks.

At the same time, against the background of testosterone enanthate therapy, there are significant fluctuations in the concentration of the hormone in the blood, which are manifested clinically.



Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Subcutaneous implantation of pellets containing testosterone was one of the first methods of treating hypogonadism in men.

With the advent of more modern dosage forms of testosterone (drugs of prolonged action for intramuscular administration), they have practically lost their therapeutic value, although they are still available on the market.

The standard dosage assumes implantation every 4-6 months under the patient’s skin with an average of 3-5 pellets containing 200 mg of testosterone, and is selected individually.

Side effects of this route of testosterone administration include pellet displacement and expulsion, bruising at implant sites, and infection.

What are the contraindications for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

There are a number of absolute contraindications for the appointment of testosterone preparations:

  • Prostate cancer, present or past
  • Breast cancer, present or past
  • Liver tumors in the present or past
  • Elevated blood calcium levels associated with malignant tumors

Underestimation of the existing contraindications can lead to sad consequences – if there is already asymptomatic prostate cancer, then its rapid growth may begin.

Relative contraindications are:

  • Sleep disturbance in the form of so-called “sleep apnea” (cessation of breathing during sleep), which often occurs in obese men who snore during sleep;
  • Medicine intolerance or hypersensitivity to it.

How will the doctor monitor testosterone replacement therapy?

At the first examination, as well as throughout the entire treatment period, your doctor will conduct an examination.

Including examination of the prostate gland, take special tests to determine the level of testosterone, the number of red blood cells in the blood, as well as tests reflecting the state of the function of the liver and prostate gland.

PSA levels should be monitored every 3 months. In the first year of treatment, then every six months.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy My Final Words

Before trying any new Testosterone Therapy we highly recommend to read our review about TestoLabPro.

As this supplement is widely known for its major success in boosting your Testosterone levels.