Is High Testosterone Good For Males?

Is High Testosterone Good For Males?

Testosterone is the main male hormone, which, in fact, makes a man out of a man.

This substance, is produced in the testicles (in men), ovaries (in women) and in the adrenal cortex, is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics according to the male type (hairiness, a rough deep voice, etc.), and also promotes muscle growth and forms libido.


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What Effects Does Testosterone Have on Males?

Testosterone determines the activity of men- physical, mental and emotional.

Testosterone promotes the formation of protein in body tissues, primarily in muscles, the growth and development of strength of which is proportional to the amount of testosterone (think of athletes who take “anabolic” to have developed muscles).

Testosterone is involved in the normal distribution of fat in the body.

In addition, this hormone affects the formation and normal maturation of bone tissue, thanks to testosterone, bone growth zones are closed in time.

The condition of the skin is also directly related to testosterone, since the sebaceous glands function under its action. Thus, the appearance of a man depends entirely on the amount of testosterone.

A lower timbre of a man’s voice is also the result of testosterone – it is with his participation that the vocal cords thicken during puberty.

It is responsible for timely puberty and the level of libido.

Also, the hormone has a biological effect on most tissues and organs – it is involved in their maturation.

The density of tissues depends on its concentration, so osteoporosis is often treated with supplements based on the substance.

The male hormone determines the level of sexual activity of men.

Therefore, its lack will affect erection and libido. An excess of hormones is also dangerous – it also worsens attraction, affects the health of the genital organs.

What Does High Testosterone Do to a Man?

External Signs of Too High Testosterone Levels

  • Bouts of aggression
  • Hyperexcitability
  • Increased hairiness
  • Purulent acne

An increase in testosterone in men can cause testicular atrophy.

The fact is that the body, trying to independently balance the amount of male sex hormone, neutralizes the action of the male gonads.

Over time, this can lead to decreased testicular function.

A hormone that appears in the body artificially (for example, the one that is used to build muscle mass) negatively affects the self-production of the male hormone by the body.

Elevated levels of male testosterone in boys are observed with precocious puberty.

Is High Testosterone Good For Males?

I am pretty sure that you have probably heard about the dangers of low testosterone in the human body many times, but not everyone knows what its high level means.

Here are some benefits of High Testosterone...

Increase in Metabolic Rate

High testosterone levels significantly speed up your metabolism, which means that you will not gain weight quickly, even though men need more food than women.

Testosterone increases the consumption of glucose by cells, helps to reduce the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood and reduces the amount of adipose tissue.

To put it simply: the hormone literally forces the human body to consume a lot of energy from food, and that is why the energy received is used by the body itself, and is not stored in it in the form of fat.

Improved Circulation

Testosterone has a positive effect on blood flow throughout the body, which in turn is achieved by increasing the enzyme nitric oxide, which dilates and relaxes blood vessels and arteries.

Nitric oxide also makes it easier to transfer workouts and the recovery process between them.

Mood Improvement

Low testosterone levels are associated with depression, a state of apathy and chronic fatigue.

As a result of research, scientists have found that a high level of this male hormone has a beneficial effect on self-esteem, and also helps to increase motivation.

Speed of Thought and Good Orientation

Men, for the most part, are better oriented in space than women, and the hormone testosterone is also involved in this.

This skill has been acquired since ancient times, when men often had to leave their settlements and travel great distances in order to return with prey.

In addition, testosterone increases the ability to concentrate, gives impetus to the development of analytical thinking and improves memory.

Scientists explain this by the fact that in the past, without such skills, a man could not normally hunt or fish, and therefore provide himself and those around him with food.

High Endurance

Testosterone can easily enter the brain, improving the characteristics of the human central nervous system (CNS).

This hormone, penetrating the structure of the central nervous system, helps to establish communication with organs and muscles and allows them to function at the limit of their capabilities.

The trick is that most of the muscle potential is not used only because the central nervous system does not have the ability to generate powerful high-frequency impulses.

Therefore, a man, especially without good physical fitness, is unable to force his muscles to engage in p.

The body simply jams strong signals with the help of a receptor, which, in order to avoid damage to the muscles, regulates their tension.

Thanks to testosterone, the muscles work well, which leads to an increase not only in strength, but also in endurance.

Strong Bones

Testosterone is responsible for maintaining normal bone density.

Due to testosterone deficiency, calcium begins to leach out of the bones, and they become susceptible to fractures, and most often men break their bones in the hips, spine and wrists.

Among other things, there is another interesting fact: men suffering from osteoporosis are much less than women.

This is due to the fact that the level of testosterone in the body of women is much lower. This is also the reason for the “fragility” of women, their bones are naturally less resistant to heavy loads.

Developed Muscles

Performing the same exercises in the gym in terms of complexity, women noticeably lag behind men in improving their bodies, namely in the development of muscles.

The reason is the influence of the hormone testosterone.

Testosterone is responsible for protein synthesis and, as it follows, for the growth of muscle mass. It depends on the size of the muscles and their strength. The higher the level of testosterone in a man’s body, the more muscle and less subcutaneous fat.

Is High Testosterone Good For Males?
Is High Testosterone Good For Males?

Significant Factors Affecting Testosterone Levels 

Rejection of Red meat

Long-term strict vegetarianism reduces the aggressiveness of a man, and at the same time his sexual desire.

In other words, “meat warms the blood”.


The inhabitants of the northern latitudes are not very lucky.

The sun’s rays stimulate the production of male hormones.

Therefore, in resorts, a person feels a sexual surge, and residents of hot countries are considered the hottest in love – this is testosterone raging.


With an increase in the level of alcohol in the blood, the amount of testosterone simultaneously decreases.

“Alcoholic drinks cause desire, but do not give perseverance in its execution” (these words belong to Shakespeare).

The use of alcohol in amounts that can cause a hangover, reduces testosterone levels within 12-20 hours by 20%.

Moreover, the testicles affected by the “degree” never fully recover.

The liver can still regenerate, while the testicles will never regenerate, so today’s healthy men, who live through life at the bar, tomorrow turn into infirm patients.


Divorce, unresolved problems, financial losses, unemployment – all this leads to the suppression of testosterone production.

In one study, it was found that the noise of aircraft turbines reduces the testosterone level in the blood of young men.

Serious overload, protracted stress, and even more so depression shorten the age of the active life of men.


Italian researchers have proven that men wearing elastic synthetic underwear are twice as likely to experience infertility.

Among those who prefer tight jeans, there are one and a half times more infertile ones.

And since the production of testosterone and sperm are closely related, it can be argued that “families”, or, in the European manner, “boxers” are the choice of a true macho.


How Does the Face Change From Testosterone?

Facial features in men are determined by testosterone.

In contrast to estrogen, it promotes bone growth: the jaws become angular, the chin is pronounced, the eyes are small, as the superciliary arches increase. Eyebrows become thicker, lips thinner.

How Does Testosterone Affect the Psyche?

As far as psychology is concerned, an increase in testosterone levels improves intelligence and clogs empathy.

The hormonal background affects the ability to empathize and “feel” the mood of the interlocutor: an excess of testosterone “clogs” empathy.

Why Does Testosterone Cause Acne?

Pimples are formed due to increased levels of testosterone.

Testosterone increases the production of sebum, which, together with dead skin cells, clogs hair follicles. Without air access, bacteria begin to actively multiply in this area, which is why acne forms.

How Does Testosterone Affect a Man’s Character?

The hormone determines the mood, regulates the level of aggression.

Impulsivity, a tendency to leadership, organizational skills depend on testosterone levels. With their decline, most of these qualities are lost.

When Does Testosterone Rise in Men?

The peak production of this hormone falls on adolescence, when gender formation occurs, and a physique is formed according to a certain type.

With age, the concentration of free testosterone in the blood of men decreases, reaching a critical level around the age of 50.