What Happens If a Woman's Testosterone is Too High?

What Happens If a Woman’s Testosterone is Too High?

Many people associate Testosterone with something emotional – masculinity, aggressiveness, and pressure.

It is just a real myth about Testosterone.

The hormone is full of much more important tasks than turning a man into a macho.

And these functions are common to both males and females.

Testosterone plays a key role in dozens of processes within the body.

It (in company with other substances, naturally) provides strength to bones, is involved in the production of red blood cells, affects the processing of fats, strengthens muscles, affects mood and cognitive capabilities of the brain, enhances or weakens sexual desire at different periods of life…

In general, functions are countless, and the female body without testosterone is as unthinkable as the male body.

Let’s try to understand the physiology of testosterone...

Testosterone belongs to a group of hormones known as androgens, for the synthesis of which cholesterol, zinc, and vitamin D3 are required.

It circulates in the blood as a precursor, capable of converting to other types of androgens or estrogen.

Testosterone, having bound to its receptor, penetrates into the cell and, under the influence of the enzyme, turns into an active form and can manifest its active biological effect.

What Happens If a Woman's Testosterone is Too High?
What Happens If a Woman’s Testosterone is Too High?

Why is Testosterone so Necessary for The Normal Functioning of the Female Body?

Recent scientific evidence suggests that the role of testosterone in women is not limited to the regulation of sexual function and libido – this is only a small part of the physiological effects of testosterone in women, reflects the generally accepted understanding of the physiological role of testosterone in the female body.

Testosterone, along with estrogens and progesterone, is an active participant in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and ovulation in women of reproductive age.

  • Testosterone (at the right concentration) is used as a basis for the formation of estrogens, which are important for the normal maturation of the follicles and the preparation of the endometrium for embryo implantation.
  • Participates in the processes of sexual differentiation, the development of secondary sexual characteristics in girls, starting from adolescence.
  • Maintains libido at a high level, helps to increase sexual desire. The rise in testosterone levels in women during the periovulatory period explains the increased sex drive during the most fertile period, when the chances of pregnancy are high.
  • Participates in the formation of physique, affects the development of muscle mass, is responsible for the strength and volume of muscles;
  • Affects weight (excessive testosterone levels contribute to the deposition of fat at the waist).
  • Maintains normal bone density.
  • Affects endurance to physical and mental stress, stress resistance.

Women who have high testosterone levels within normal limits are marked by leader qualities and a bright personality.

This is the hormone of youth, it forms a certain psychotype, is responsible for our behavior, gives us energy, high spirits, self-confidence, increases the ability to achieve goals, and leads people.

The Symptoms of High Testosterone in Women

  • Acne
  • Excess hair on the face, chest, back
  • Thinning and hair loss on the head in the forehead and crown
  • Irregular periods
  • Mood swings
  • Enlarged clitoris
  • Redistribution of fat by male type
  • Breast reduction
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Low voice
  • High testosterone levels in women can also lead to obesity and infertility.

What Happens If a Woman’s Testosterone is Too High?

A certain amount of testosterone is required by a woman’s body for the normal growth of muscle tissue and bones.

However a high testosterone level , the excess of its concentration in the blood causes a decrease in the synthesis of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. This makes ovulation impossible and prevents conception.

Excess testosterone causes symptoms that affect the appearance of a woman, and also changes her character.

Signs of elevated levels of the hormone can include mood swings, excessive body hair growth and scalp hair loss, sweating, acne, voice changes, weight gain, and irregular menstrual cycles.

With increased secretion of testosterone by the adrenal glands, the generative function of the ovaries (development and maturation of female germ cells) is disrupted, and male features may appear in women.

High levels of the hormone in women are much more common than in men.

There is hyperandrogenism of adrenal and ovarian genesis (origin).

According to statistics, hyperandrogenism (High level of testosterone) occurs in 8% of adolescent girls and in 23% of women of the fertile period.

Endocrine pathology leads to multiple changes in a woman’s body, including obvious external disturbances, loss of fertility, libido, and metabolic disorders.

Why Can Testosterone in Women Increase?

Most often, the following reasons can be the causes of increased testosterone :

Hirsutism. This is the name of a genetic disease that leads to increased production of testosterone. Externally, hirsutism manifests itself as abundant hair growth on the face, chest, arms and legs.

Polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a disease of the endocrine system, the side effect of which is the increased production of sex hormones.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. People with this disease lack one of the enzymes that control the production of sex hormones.

What Should Be The Norm of Testosterone in Women?

After you pass the analysis, you yourself can compare its results with the standard – the norms of testosterone, Total, Bioavailable, and Free, Serum testosterone for women of different ages.

In women, testosterone levels are 10 times lower than in men.

A woman’s testosterone levels naturally fluctuate throughout her life, her menstrual cycle, and even at different times of the day.

Hormone levels are measured in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL):

12–16 years: <7–75 ng/dl;

17–18 years: 20–75 ng/dl;

19 years and older: 8–60 ng/dL

The causes of testosterone surges can be very different, from quite natural to dangerous.

How Can a Woman Lower Testosterone Levels?

Everyone knows that it is easier and faster to treat a disease at an early stage of development.

At the first suspicion, contact a gynecologist who can refer you for an analysis.

If the analysis confirms the increase in the level of the hormone, then the doctor prescribes medication. Self-treatment of the amount of testosterone production with hormonal drugs is extremely dangerous.

With an increase in testosterone levels, various treatment methods can be used.

The most important is the use of medications, supplement that have a direct effect on the concentration of testosterone. The dosage, exact schedule and duration of administration is made by an endocrinologist, taking into account the state of health of the woman.

An equally important role is played by non-specific treatment.

It is necessary to exclude fatty foods, alcohol, spicy foods, semi-finished products, etc. from the diet. In addition, a woman should avoid stress, sleep enough time, and have a regular sex life.

In rare cases, when the symptoms of high testosterone in women are caused by tumors, surgical treatment is used.

When the hormone levels in women return to normal, doctors recommend monitoring the amount of testosterone production in the future.

The fact is that after the completion of taking medications, an increase in the level may begin again.

If the imbalance of testosterone is small, the doctor may recommend making lifestyle changes:

Normalize weight

Adipose tissue affects the hormonal background, including the production of testosterone.

It is important to consider the following: if in men, excess weight lowers androgen levels, then in women, on the contrary, it increases.

Adjust nutrition

Studies show that dietary fat and cholesterol increase testosterone, while a low-fat diet leads to a decrease in the amount of male hormone.

Get enough sleep

This is especially important if testosterone levels are below normal.

Have regular sexual life or at least fall in love

Hormonal changes when falling in love. Both options increase the amount of testosterone.

Final Words of What Happens If a Woman’s Testosterone is Too High?

From this, by the way, a paradoxical fact follows:

The less a woman has a “male” hormone, the less feminine she is, because she also has a shortage of estrogens.

However, an increased amount of testosterone also does not lead to anything good.


What To Do If Testosterone is High in a Female?

Changing your diet is one of the most effective ways to maintain healthy testosterone levels.

In tandem with a healthy lifestyle, normalization of sleep and proper physical activity, they are an important complex for the natural normalization of testosterone levels and keeping its level under control.

What Is the Danger of Low Testosterone in a Woman?

A low number of testosterones can signal the presence of such diseases as: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, osteoporosis, hypoestrogenism, breast cancer, and so on.

What is Testosterone Level while Pregnancy?

When a woman is pregnant, many changes occur in her body, which primarily relate to the hormonal background.

Therefore, during pregnancy, testosterone levels can increase significantly (4 times), which is a variant of the norm.

After childbirth, the concentration of the hormone should decrease on its own. However, if a woman notes the appearance of specific symptoms, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor.