In the 60s, the idea of the formation of dependence on Adderall was established.
Therefore, in 1971, Adderall was added to the list of prohibited substances because of amphetamine inside and it became illegal.
But many people are interested : Is there any connection between Adderall and Dopamine starvation?
Let’s figure it out together…
What Does Low Dopamine Feel Like?
Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters produced by the endocrine cells of the brain.
Any moments that bring joy to a person – delicious food, pleasant smells, communication with a pet, long-awaited rest – are accompanied by the release of this biologically active substance into the blood.
In connection with this feature of the body, dopamine was popularly called the hormone of pleasure.
Dependence on the pleasure that forms dopamine makes a person strive to repeat the experienced pleasant sensations.
The lack of production and release of dopamine into the blood is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Irritability;
- Depressive state;
- Apathy;
- Pathological unmotivated aggressiveness;
- Frequent changes in the psycho-emotional background;
- Violation of metabolic processes leading to obesity;
- Increased risk of developing diabetes;
- Development of dyskinesia;
- Parkinson’s disease;
- Disruption of the cardiovascular system;
- Hallucinatory syndrome;
- Chronic fatigue;
- Decreased sex drive.
An excess of dopamine is also bad.
It leads the psyche into an overexcited state, interferes with concentration, and leads to mental overwork.
For example, a smartphone overloads the system on several fronts at once: social networks, media, instant messengers, work applications.
To avoid overload, it is better to separate incentives: training without energy drinks, walking without a smartphone, eating without reading/watching the news.
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Does Adderall Deplete Dopamine or Serotonin?
Once in the body, Adderall activates the increased production of hormones.
The concentration of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine increases.
The substance improves mood, increases the ability to concentrate and sharpens attention.
Adderall provides motor and speech activity. After taking it, the working capacity of the addict increases many times, the need for food and rest disappears.
The use of Adderall “accelerates” the work of the central nervous system and the brain to the maximum.
Internal organs and systems begin to wear out.
Endurance increases many times, there is an increased craving for communication, shyness and fatigue disappear.
Often, after taking Adderall, the addict feels like a superhero who can stay awake for days, remembers a lot of data, does hard work, etc.
Does Adderall Deplete Dopamine?
Adderall increases the release of catecholamines by increasing intrasynaptic levels of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin.
As a result of pronounced stimulation of alpha and beta receptors and general excitation of the central nervous system, the “desired” effects of increased activity, euphoria and anorexia occur, as well as adverse effects in the form of delirium, arterial hypertension, hyperthermia and convulsions.
The action of Adderall is similar to psychoactive pills effects.
MDMA and related drugs have more mood-enhancing properties, which may be due to greater effects on serotonin.
Why Do We Have Addiction to Adderall?

If the patient takes Adderall rarely and in small doses, then the risk of rapid dependence formation is reduced.
The use of a substance more than once every 7 days in large quantities forms cravings.
Uncontrolled need for the drug in this case manifests itself after 2-4 weeks of regular use. After each new dose, the patient’s condition worsens.
A few months after the first introduction of speed, withdrawal symptoms develop.
This indicates the formation of a stable physical dependence on Adderall.
The mechanism of addiction formation is the activation of dopamine production in separate brain centers responsible for reward-related reactions. The reward system tracks the behavior of the addict, influencing the perception and memorization of positive emotions from Adderall intoxication.
This leads to the fact that all the actions of the patient will be directed to only one thing – to find and take a new dose.
The absence of the substance causes the patient to have an uncontrollable craving to experience euphoria again and again.
Dangerous Combination of Adderall With Other Substances
The harm from Adderall increases several times if the addict combines it with alcoholic beverages or other illegal substances. Such “cocktails” increase the risk of overdose and death.
The most dangerous combinations:
Adderall and Alcohol
The use of such a cocktail causes a double blow to the liver, which can cause a malfunction in its work or the development of dangerous pathologies.
Adderall is a toxic substance and its combination with alcohol leads to dangerous consequences, for example, a jump in blood pressure, destruction of the organs of the bronchopulmonary system, etc.
In addition, after taking Adderall, the patient ceases to control the amount of alcohol consumed, which leads to especially serious consequences, up to death.
Adderall and Methadone
The combination of two drugs provokes a rapid degradation of the personality and the development of somato-neurological abnormalities.
The abuse of such a cocktail ends with social and labor maladaptation. There are irreversible changes at the cellular level and exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
Final Words
You can increase the level of Dopamine and Serotonin both with the help of Adderall, and by resorting to traditional medicine. Nutrition also plays an important role.
My advice is to increase dopamine levels by including a number of tyrosine-rich foods in your diet.
This substance and its biochemical precursors are also well absorbed from foods, after which it immediately begins to act on dopaminergic receptors, performing their functions.
What is The Difference Between Dopamine and Serotonin?
Dopamine normally participates in the reward system and is released every time we do something useful for us according to the brain (reproduction, food). We feel pleasure → we want to do this action more.
It is dopamine that is to blame for the development of drug tolerance and addiction.
Serotonin is associated with arousal levels, thermoregulation, mood, appetite, sleep, and pain regulation.
Does Adderall Make You Lose Serotonin?
Adderall increases Serotonin.
An increase in serotonin levels causes a decrease in appetite, sexual behavior, aggression, and an increase in empathy for others – all that happens when taking Adderall.
Does Adderall Permanently Increase Dopamine?
Adderall triggers the release of large amounts of dopamine, norepinephrine and a little bit of serotonin, and also prevents their reuptake.
As a result, a lot of things turn out to be in the space between neurons, the brain is in shock.