How Does Testosterone Affect Women's Weight?

How Does Testosterone Affect Women’s Weight?

We hear a lot about hormones, but often we don’t understand at all how they work at all, whether it is possible to influence their activity and correct weight loss or weight gain due to them.

Most women are confident that the amount of testosterone in their body does not play any role.

This opinion is very erroneous.

Yes, indeed, testosterone is considered to be the male hormone.

However, despite this, it is also present in the body of a woman. Moreover, quite often its number exceeds the permissible level, which causes numerous health problems.

An insufficient amount of testosterone in the female body can also adversely affect the condition of a woman. In the body of every woman, the amount of testosterone is ten times lower than in the body of a man.


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Testosterone and Muscle Gain in Women

Women need testosterone: after all, it is a hormone that activates the sex receptors in the brains of men and women and stimulates normal sexual desire.

This hormone plays an important role in regulating the ratio of fat and muscle mass in the body.

Throughout a woman’s life, testosterone plays an important role in maintaining

muscle mass, that wonderful fat-burning mechanism. A decrease in testosterone levels means a decrease in the ability to build muscle mass, even if you exercise several times a week.

Testosterone is important for bone formation and preventing osteoporosis, even more so than the protective estrogen, as women lose it as they age.

Moreover, testosterone helps maintain proper energy levels.

A decrease in this hormone is one of the unidentified causes of “chronic fatigue.”

Women have undergone numerous comprehensive medical examinations and spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on tests and treatments to identify the causes and get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, but they have never had a testosterone blood test. 

Does Testosterone Cause Weight Gain in Females?

 Testosterone is responsible for fat burning, bone strength and muscle elasticity, and libido activity.

Accordingly, if this hormone ceases to be produced in the right amount, bone fragility, loss of muscle mass and weight gain are observed.

Its amount may vary depending on the intensity of the production of this hormone. In the female body, it is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands.

To get testosterone in the right amount, begin with the diet: exclude coffee and alcoholic beverages, increase the amount of meat, poultry, fish, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Do not forget about full sleep – 8 hours a day. These seemingly simple recommendations will help bring testosterone levels back to normal.

In any case, for qualified advice on how to increase testosterone, contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist who, if necessary, will prescribe treatment for you.

How Does Testosterone Affect Women's Weight?
How Does Testosterone Affect Women’s Weight?

How Long Does Testosterone Take to Work in Females?

Over time, testosterone in the body of a woman gradually becomes less.

Thus, with the approach of menopause, fat deposits form on the body, in particular, in the abdomen and mammary glands, which adversely affect the condition of the figures.

Thus, in adolescent girls, it is less than 10 nanograms per deciliter of blood. After puberty, this number increases to 70. Testosterone levels can increase up to four times during pregnancy.

At menopause, testosterone levels drop to 40 nanograms per deciliter of blood.

If the testosterone level is not normal, it can be corrected independently.

In most cases, the amount of this hormone needs to be increased. This is done with the help of the usual products present in our daily diet.

Why Does Testosterone Change?

Changing Levels of testosterone are associated with:

A natural change in the rate of testosterone in the body occurs in two cases: During Ovulation and Pregnancy.

During ovulation, there is a sharp release of testosterone in the female body. This process enhances sexual desire in women. At this time, the maturation of the egg occurs, thus, the body makes it clear that it is ready for conception.

During pregnancy, the amount of testosterone also changes. There is an increase in testosterone levels, up to a certain level.

This is due to the fact that more energy is spent in the womb than usual to prepare the egg for conception, development and maturation of the fetus.

An active increase in the hormone during pregnancy can be dangerous both for the development of the fetus and for the health of the expectant mother.

In addition to natural changes in the norm of testosterone, its changes may be due to improper functioning of the body. Ovarian disease, poor adrenal function, and some other endocrine system disorders provoke an excessive increase or decrease in testosterone.

An excess of testosterone suggests that it’s time to check your endocrine system. You can notice the failure of the body by a number of signs:

  • Failure of the menstrual cycle (absence or frequent periods two or three times a month);
  • Causeless aggression, apathy, depressive states and melancholy;
  • Voice change, rough male notes appear;
  • Increase in hairline;
  • Breast reduction, male body reshaping;
  • Negative changes on the skin of the face (the appearance of acne and blackheads);
  • Infertility

Final Thoughts of What Testosterone Does

So what does testosterone do?


How Does Testosterone Affect Women’s Weight?

Testosterone is a hormone that is an important part of the metabolism in both men and women.

Due to insufficient amounts of this hormone, you can gain weight.

Why should a woman take testosterone?

A Woman must take Testosterone only after doctor’s checks and it will provide muscle building, maintain bone strength, and with its help, fat is converted into energy. Testosterone rejuvenates the skin, making it supple.

A sufficient level of testosterone improves mood, while a pronounced decrease in it can lead to depression.

What Happens When a Woman Starts Taking testosterone?

If a woman takes testosterone when it is not prescribed by a doctor, it will lead to an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, acne may appear, muscle mass and upper body will increase, there will be a redistribution of fat according to the male type – from the hips and buttocks to the abdomen.