Today, we are talking about the most common anabolic steroids with which bodybuilders quickly gain the desired mass, increase endurance to achieve the desired results in sports…
Here we are talking about : Ment vs Tren (Trestolone vs Trenbolone)…
Ment vs Tren (Trestolone vs Trenbolone) Introduction
What is Ment (Trestolone)?
Trestolone, also known as MENT, is one of the most effective steroids/hormones.
Trestolone is not currently approved for medical use. It is under development for potential use as a male hormonal contraceptive and in androgen replacement therapy for low testosterone levels.
It is the hormone that makes it a derivative of nandrolone (which is the base steroid in Deca).
Like trestolone acetate, an androgen ester and prodrug of trestolone, Tren can also be administered by injection into a muscle.
Its androgenic / estrogenic character will be similar to that of Tren and Deca, but its muscle hypertrophic capacity should be higher than both of the above compounds.
Trestolone was first described in 1963. Subsequently, it was not explored until 1990. Development of trestolone for potential clinical use began in 1993 and has continued thereafter.
Since 2013, no additional development has been carried out.
The Ment was developed by the Population Council, a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to reproductive health.
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What is Tren (Trenbolone)?
Trenbolone Acetate is the most popular compound, a bestseller in the field of sports pharmacology.
When athletes begin a period of frequent competition, Tren is indispensable.
It will be quickly excreted from the body, has many positive properties, minimal side effects.
The prices for the Tren are always the most affordable.
Veterinary medicine is the area in which this compound was used for the first time.
Its purpose is to increase the appetite of livestock and increase its mass.
Athletes did not use the steroid in its pure form, they were more willing to choose its derivatives, among which was Tren Acetate.
It doesn’t aromatase to estrogen, so it doesn’t have the “popular” side effects. If you violate the dosage, then as a result, fluid will begin to accumulate in the body, and gynecomastia will form.

Ment vs Tren (Trestolone vs Trenbolone) Benefits
Ment Benefits
During the course you will be able to:
- Can control birth control and andropause frame replacement in mind.
- Improves aesthetic results in bodybuilding by increasing its dosage and promoting a set of fast and dense muscles.
- Increases strength and other benefits, with low side effects
Tren Benefits
During the course you will be able to:
- Activate lipolysis;
- Maintain libido;
- Provide a good appetite.
An accelerated metabolism will allow you to quickly get the necessary trace elements from food, as well as eliminate the deposition of adipose tissue after the destruction of previously accumulated.
The substance can be detected for 5 months from the last dose, which must be considered before starting the course.
Mechanism Of Action of Ment vs Tren( Trestolone vs Trenbolone)
Ment Working Mechanism
Spermatozoa are produced in the testes of men in a process called spermatogenesis.
To make a man infertile, a hormone-based method of male contraception must stop spermatogenesis by interrupting the release of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland.
Even at low concentrations, trestolone is a potent inhibitor of the release of gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
For spermatogenesis to occur in the testes, both FSH and testosterone must be present.
By inhibiting the release of FSH, trestolone creates an endocrine environment in which conditions for spermatogenesis are not ideal.
Sperm production is further impaired by LH suppression, which in turn drastically reduces testosterone production.
Sufficient regular doses of trestolone cause severe oligozoospermia or azoospermia and hence infertility in most men.
Trestolone-induced infertility has been found to be rapidly reversible upon discontinuation.
Tren Working Mechanism
The compound is a short oil form of testosterone, which quickly begins to affect the athlete, but also quickly leaves the body after half-life.
For this reason, acetate ester injections are more frequent.
Androgenic activity and anabolic action of the substance are in balance, which helps to differentiate muscles and give the body a more athletic appearance.
What Are the Side Effects of Ment vs Tren (Trestolone vs Trenbolone)?
Side effects of Trestolone include low estrogen levels and associated symptoms such as decreased sexual function and decreased bone mineral density among others.
Trestolone is an AAS and therefore is an androgen receptor agonist, the biological target of androgens such as testosterone.
It is also a progestin or a synthetic progestogen and is therefore an agonist of the progesterone receptor, the biological target of progestogens such as progesterone.
Due to its androgenic and progestogenic activity, trestolone has an antigonadotropic effect.
These effects lead to a reversible suppression of sperm production and are responsible for the contraceptive effects of trestolone in men. Ment has a weak estrogenic activity.
If you neglect the dosage of Trenbolone(Tren), violate the course of administration, then side effects may appear.
I list the most common of them below:
Aggressiveness, Increased sweating, Attacks of coughing, Tendon problems, Decreased sexual activity, Mood instability, Depression and stress, Sprinkling, Sleep disturbance, Increased heart rate, Anxiety, Impact features.
How to Take Ment vs Tren?
Ment Dosage
Effective dose: 20-50mg per day for the experienced user. This dose will depend on the form of transtolone that is being taken.
Oral and transdermal dosing may be slightly higher than the injectable form.
Tren Dosage
It is better to do the course for up to 6 weeks.
The dosage of the drug is 50 mg of the active substance.
It is better to give injections the first week every other day.
A few days after the withdrawal of the compound, it is recommended to take a course of PCT in order to improve your well-being and restore the body after exercise.
Testosterone boosters after a cycle of trenbolone are also welcome. It is best to combine trenbolone with stanozolol or oxandrolone.
Final Thoughts of What to Choose?
When you need to choose 1 best anabolic steroids you must understand what your goal is.
Trenbolone (Tren) is considered one of the most effective means in the sports industry. With it, you can get a good increase in weight and physical condition.
As for Men, it is a male hormonal contraceptive and in androgen replacement therapy for low testosterone levels. It helps you a little bit in physical condition but not so much as special supplements.
At the same time, it must be remembered that heavy steroids are supposed to be taken only in accordance with an individually selected dosage.
Do You Gain Muscle on Tren?
When athletes begin a period of frequent competition, Tren is indispensable.
It will be quickly excreted from the body, has many positive properties, minimal side effects.
This is the most common anabolic steroid, with which bodybuilders quickly gain the desired mass and increase endurance to achieve the desired results in sports.
How Long is a Tren cycle?
You will see the first effects from 8 to 16 weeks long.
During the course you will be able to:
- Activate lipolysis;
- Maintain libido;
- Provide a good appetite.
What is MENT Steroid Used For?
It will control birth control and andropause frame replacement in mind, will Improve aesthetic results in bodybuilding by increasing its dosage and promoting a set of fast and dense muscles and will increase strength and other benefits, with low side effects.