Testosterone is the main hormone responsible for a huge number of functions in the male body and affects muscle development.
Insufficient levels of this hormone reduce the activity of the immune system.
Currently, there is an excellent supplement that stimulates the natural production of testosterone -it is called a testosterone booster.
Today I will tell you how to use testosterone boosters and provide you with an example of how to use the famous testosterone booster: TestoPrime.
Testosterone Boosters are supplements used mainly by athletes, which are aimed at increasing muscle mass, burning excess fat, developing endurance and strength.
They contain various components of animal and vegetable origin, allowing you to increase testosterone levels and muscle volume.
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Who should take Testosterone Boosters?
These products are needed by almost any member of the stronger sex after forty, when the natural production of the hormone decreases.
It is recommended to take Testosterone Boosters if you want to have the following benefits:
- Improve metabolism, which leads to a decrease in body fat and an increase in muscle mass.
- Promote the flow of protein and glycogen into the muscles, thereby helping recovery after physical exertion.
- Helps increase endurance and performance.
- It has a beneficial effect on the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
- Helps increase testosterone levels, thus stimulating libido.
Who should take TestoPrime?
TestoPrime should be taken by men over 24 years old and is especially recommended for the middle aged men: if you have the following symptoms: erectile dysfunction, and men may have decreased bone mass and sex drive.
Such a complex is in demand among men involved in bodybuilding, weightlifting, and martial arts.
TestoPrime plays an important role in sports:
- Promotes muscle growth;
- Raises the level of endurance;
- Increases self-confidence and
- Improves concentration.
How Do You Take a Testosterone Booster? General Rules
Although boosters and proteins are considered simple and affordable supplements.
Before taking testosterone Boosters you should know the following rules:
- Supplements should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor
- Use should begin no earlier than the age of twenty-four since it is at this age that the hormonal background begins to decrease somewhat. Before this age, young people will not experience problems with testosterone, and testosterone boosters can only be used when you have a direct indication from your doctor.
- Correctly calculate the dosage – from one to three servings of the supplement per day for two to four weeks.
- It is better to use the supplement during or immediately after a meal, or thirty minutes before the start of a workout.
Take it an hour or an hour and a half before the start of a workout, in order to act just during physical exertion. ZMA supplements, which normalize the production of the main male hormone, should be taken before bed.
- After a month of taking the booster, you must take a break of at least two weeks.
- The amount of booster intake depends on two factors: the concentration of the active substance in the preparation and the degree of need for its administration.
So, the dosage can vary from one to three servings of the supplement per day for 2-4 weeks, respectively.
- Don’t forget about breaks! By taking a testosterone booster constantly, you run the risk of disrupting your own secretion of this hormone, which will require long-term treatment. Therefore, after each month of admission, arrange a rest for at least two weeks in order to restore the natural hormonal background.
Is TestoPrime good for building muscle?
Testosterone increases strength, speed and muscle mass, and these characteristics are valued in any sport.
Boosters have the most effect when used in men aged 30–40 years and even older.
This is due to a lower physiological level of testosterone at this age, and therefore the use of boosters in this case not only promotes muscle growth, but also increases libido and potency.
Testosterone boosters are great for post cycle therapy.
After completing the cycle of taking steroid hormones or prohormones, it is enough to use testosterone boosters for a month to eliminate their side effects.
This helps to maintain testosterone levels and minimizes the symptoms associated with hormone withdrawal, thereby preventing the destruction of muscle tissue – the “rollback” phenomenon.
Contraindications for the use of testosterone boosters are:
- Arterial hypertension
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system
- Kidney failure
How is testosterone level determined?
To find out what testosterone you have, you need to take a blood test in the morning (preferably between 7 and 11 am), since it is in the morning that the testosterone content in the blood is maximum.
In addition, other special tests are also needed – determining the level of LH, a protein that binds sex hormones, as well as a number of other tests that the doctor will prescribe based on the results of the examination.
At the same time, testosterone deficiency can be suspected by clinical symptoms.
Final Thoughts
Testosterone boosters will be useful for any athlete. Testosterone increases strength, speed and muscle mass, and these characteristics are valued in any sport.
You can start using boosters when you want to increase lean muscle mass.
The minimum age at which these supplements can be taken ranges from 20 to 23 years. This is due to the instability of the hormonal system and hormone levels in a young body, and the use of boosters before the recommended age can lead to various hormonal disorders.
In addition, the level of natural testosterone in young people is sufficient without additional external stimulation. It is also not recommended to take testosterone boosters for girls, as this leads to masculinization.
How long should I take Testosterone Boosters?
As a rule, the initial dose of testosterone boosters for adults is 120-160 mg per day for 2-3 weeks, the maintenance dose is 40-120 mg per day. To improve absorption, take with meals.
Usually, take supplements according to the instructions for use, depending on the manufacturer.
How do you use TestoPrime?
TestoPrime supplements are recommended to take every morning before the food.
The recommended dosage of TestoPrime is 4 capsules a day. The course is 3-8 weeks. After a week’s break, the course is repeated.
How long should I take TestoPrime?
TestoPrime Manufacturer suggests trying the product for at least one month to get the best effects.
Where is TestoPrime shipped from?
It is shipped from the warehouses based in the US, UK and Germany.