How Long Does it Take for Omega-3 to Work?
Omega-3-belong to the so-called essential substances. This term means that they are practically not synthesized by the human body, but come only with food.
Essential acids are especially important to the female body.
The general Info
Omega-3-perform a whole range of functions, from building cells to maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system, for which it is beneficial to receive them in full.
Omega-3 acids help cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol, prevent the appearance of “cholesterol plaques”, improve blood viscosity and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
In Addition Omega-3 acids bring blood pressure back to normal, increase the level of “good” cholesterol – HDL (high density lipoprotein).
Does it Take for Omega-3 to Work.Omega-3 and Women ?” width=”300″ height=”241″ />
Studies have confirmed that omega-3 is effective in addressing a range of specific female problems.
- The South Australian Research Institute of Health and Medicine found that the use of omega-3-PUFA during pregnancy reduces the risk of premature birth.
- Scientists from the Tehran Medical University in Iran have shown that omega-3-PUFAs help alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
- Researchers at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia concluded that omega-3-PUFAs can protect against breast cancer.
- The University of Liege in Belgium found that a lack of omega-3-PUFAs in early pregnancy can increase the risk of postpartum depression in women.
- The University of Aarhus in Denmark has shown a link between the use of omega-3-PUFAs and the relief of menstrual pain.
What foods contain Omega-3
The best known source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is marine fish, in particular the fish oil it contains. Its benefits have been known to northern peoples since antiquity.
And in the middle of the 19th century, a preparation from fish oil began to be produced industrially and sold in pharmacies. This tool became widespread and remains popular to this day.
Omega-3-PUFAs are also present in other foods: flaxseed and rapeseed oil, walnuts, soybeans. But there are nuances. The fact is that there are 3 acids of this class that are most useful for humans:
- alpha linolenic (ALA);
- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA);
- docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
The first of them really accumulates in some plants, but the remaining two are found in significant quantities only in sea fish and seafood (shellfish, algae).
To get enough EPA and DHA, you need to eat a lot of salmon, herring, mackerel, oysters, mussels, red and black caviar.
In fish, the main reserves of these acids are concentrated in adipose tissues.
Since it is difficult to ensure an adequate daily diet, it is recommended that omega-3-PUFA supplements such as NUTRILITE Omega-3 Complex be taken in addition to regular meals.
Dietary supplement NUTRILITE Omega-3 Complex is available in sealed capsules that retain all the beneficial properties of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
There are supplements for children who, during the period of active development and growth, it is especially important to satisfy the need for omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
NUTRILITE ™ Omega-3 with Vitamin D in a convenient and easily digestible gummy lozenge can be offered to a child over 3 years of age
Should you take omega-3-PUFA supplements if you don’t have any health problems?
Yes, because they are effective preventive measures.
By maintaining adequate levels of omega-3-PUFAs in your body, you will reduce your risk of developing a number of diseases.
In addition, a course of NUTRILITE Omega-3 Complex will be useful in reducing overall vitality.
Does it Take for Omega-3 to Work.Omega-3 and Women?” width=”300″ height=”169″ />
The following symptoms may indicate omega-3-PUFA deficiency:
- Deterioration of the skin;
- Loss of concentration;
- Sleep problems;
- Irritability, mood swings;
- Chronic fatigue at work;
- Exacerbation of allergic diseases.
Contraindications for use
Dietary supplements with omega-3-PUFA have practically no contraindications and side effects, but in some cases they should be drunk with caution and only after consulting your doctor. Among them:
- allergy to seafood;
- bleeding problems, open wounds or bleeding;
- acute diseases of internal organs;
- first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.
Interesting facts about Omega-3
Benefits for the brain and eyes: Omega-3 fatty acids are a constituent of cells and are found in large quantities in those organs where instant transmission of information is required: in the retina and brain tissues.
It is known that with heavy intellectual stress and aging of the body, attention, memory and other cognitive functions deteriorate. But the high content of Omega-3 in the diet allows you to keep them at a normal level.
Joint Support: One in five adults has joint problems. By producing anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects, Omega-3 in combination therapy can relieve pain and reduce morning stiffness in the joints
Weight Loss Benefits: Including enough omega-3s in your diet can help speed up your metabolism. As a result, the oxidation process is activated instead of fat accumulation.
It has been found that optimal intake of Omega-3 in combination with physical activity can help to lose excess weight.
Scientists have shown that unsaturated fatty acids help depression (but not anxiety disorders).
However, scientists believe larger, well-controlled studies are needed to determine the optimal dosage as well as the long-term benefits of using Omega-3s in the treatment of depression.
Omega-3 Final Words
The most important role of fatty acids is in taking care of our heart. They maintain a regular heart rate, lower blood pressure and blood fat levels, and slow the rate of clogged arteries.
Maintaining a daily intake of these substances allows not only avoiding many diseases, but also prolonging youth, strengthening women’s health