The state of anxiety is manifested by sleep disturbances, low working capacity, attacks of aggression, sadness.
Lack of adequate medical care for anxiety leads to the development of stress and depressive disorders.
Treatment of anxiety occurs with the help of nootropics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and neuroleptics.
Doses and types of supplement of course are prescribed by a specialist.
Nootropic supplements are most commonly used to enhance cognition, reasoning, memory and learning but many of these compounds also have effects on mood and stress relief.
But also when taking nootropics for anxiety ,they can address some of the neurochemical causes of unrest in the brain.
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The Causes of Unreasonable Anxiety
Anxiety disorders are influenced by heredity.
It has been found that certain brain structures and features of biological processes play an important role in the generation of fear and anxiety.
Personal characteristics, somatic health problems, lifestyle and different types of addictions also matter. Sometimes there is no cause for unreasonable anxiety and worry.
Negative feelings usually have a trigger—an event or thought that elicits an anxious response.
However, most people are not aware of their triggers and believe that their emotions are groundless.
In this case, only a specialist will help to understand why excitement arises for no reason.
In other cases, some specific nootropics can help you with anxiety…
Depending on the type of anxiety and the presence of associated mental or physical health problems, nootropics may be prescribed.
When anxiety is felt without a cause, nootropic treatment will alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life of the patient during his psychotherapeutic work on the underlying cause.
Uncontrolled medication leads to dangerous side effects and withdrawal syndrome, so they can only be used according to the individual course prescribed by the doctor.
Are Nootropics Good for Anxiety?
Nootropics with anxiolytic or anti-anxiety properties help to effectively cope with anxiety caused by social maladjustment, and are able, due to their properties, to help develop the necessary skills for effective social interaction.
Here are 4 TOP nootropics what are good for anxiety:
5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan is the biochemical precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter.
By increasing the level of serotonin while taking 5-HTP, we achieve the following effect: we increase the activity of the serotonergic system of the brain, which reduces the severity of tension and anxious emotional manifestations.
In addition, taking 5-HTP before bed can help you fall asleep and help you sleep better and deeper.
Aniracetam is one of the most famous nootropics of the racetam group due to its ability to positively influence the psycho-emotional background.
Aniracetam improves mood and combats anxiety, markedly enhancing creative thinking and making social interaction easier.
Aniracetam improves eloquence, so it can be recommended for use in order to improve their social skills, to improve the ability to form productive contacts with people.
The true nootropic properties of aniracetam, associated with improving memory and concentration, will help to consolidate the developed skills for a long time.
Fasoracetam is a relatively young representative of the racetam group, created to combat Alzheimer’s disease, but later proved to be effective as a nootropic with antidepressant properties, effective in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
But in addition to these properties, it has a noticeable anti-anxiety effect.
The anti-anxiety effect of Fasoracetam is associated with a decrease in brain excitability and an increase in the synthesis of GABA-B receptors in the central nervous system.
Phenylpiracetam is a psychostimulant nootropic used for low energy, lack of motivation and other disorders accompanied by lethargy and weakness.
But in addition to nootropic and psychostimulant properties, phenylpiracetam also has an anti-anxiety component in its spectrum of action.
The stimulating effect of phenylpiracetam extends primarily to speech function.
Therefore, the situational use of phenylpiracetam will significantly contribute to social adaptation.
Are Antidepressants The Same as Nootropics?

Antidepressants are psychotropic drugs primarily used to treat depression that affect levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
With antidepressants it is possible to minimize anxiety, prevent the development of depressive disorders and significantly improve the patient’s well-being.
They are prescribed for anxiety, stress, depression, schizoaffective disorders, and a number of phobias.
However, only a specialist should prescribe antidepressants for the treatment of stress, since antidepressants are quite addictive.
The combination of antidepressants in combination with nootropics can reduce the severity of clinical manifestations of depression, improves the quality of life and increased compliance in patients with organic non-psychotic depression.
Do Nootropics Give You Anxiety?
Nootropics usually have a fairly long latent period of action (the time that passes before the manifestation of a pharmacotherapeutic effect), and therefore are effective only with long-term use – at least a month.
With prolonged use of strong nootropics, they can cause irreversible changes in the psyche and behavior, leading to a decrease in intelligence and chronic mental disorders – psychosis, depression, anxiety.
They can also negatively affect peripheral organs and tissues, especially the cardiovascular system.
What Else Can Help with Anxiety besides Nootropics?
1.Work With Your Beliefs
The first thing to start with is dealing with limiting beliefs.
You need to understand why this is happening.
It also happens that a person has a stable job, everything is harmonious in the family, but at the same time he/she still faces anxiety every now and then. It is necessary to understand the reasons.
2.Focus on Your Own Body
Here I am talking about bodily practices, grounding techniques, and conscious breathing.
At the moment of anxiety, you should not go to your smartphone or TV, but, on the contrary, stay “in life”: look out the window, watch the birds fly, breathe in the air, look for something else.
It is very important not to go into another reality – this will not become less disturbing, only doing yourself a disservice.
3.Recognize Other Feelings
Very often, people try to drown out these feelings.
They start eating a lot, fussing.
At such a moment, it is important to discover what other accompanying feelings you are experiencing.
For example, a feeling of fear (suddenly rejected or abandoned), a sense of inferiority, lack of autonomy, violation of boundaries. It is important to note here what caused the anxiety.
Final Words of Are Nootropics Good for Anxiety?
Keep in mind that nootropics are supplements of cumulative action, for their effective action it is necessary to take a course of administration at least a few weeks before you completely get rid of anxiety.
Thanks to modern nootropics, hundreds of people are making great strides every day in the fight against anxiety disorders.
There is no need to endure the painful burden of fear and anxiety, because timely assistance allows you to achieve excellent results: the patient will fully recover and return to a full life, and the improvement will be noticeable after the first week of taking nootropics.
When you are treating anxiety and stress, it’s not just about nootropics.
It turns out there are a lot of simple things you can do besides taking nootropics.
The good old lifestyle advice is still very relevant: Do constant physical exercise and healthy sleep.
In addition to these lifestyle basics, meditation is also worth paying attention to. There are many videos on Youtube or applications on the phone.
And always remember something important when choosing strong nootropics is necessary to consult a doctor…
Do Nootropics Help With Social Anxiety?
Nootropics are prescribed in the treatment of neurosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depressive disorders, social anxiety and other mood disorders…
Which Nootropics Work Best for Anxiety?
Nootropics with anxiolytic or anti-anxiety properties help to effectively cope with anxiety caused by social maladjustment.
How Long Have You Take Nootropics for Not Having Anxiety?
Anxiety disorder is well treated with nootropics. In 1 month you will already see better results.