Almost everyone takes nootropics, consciously or not.
The same caffeine, a natural stimulant, not only invigorates, but also opens up access to some neurotransmitters in our brain that improve short-term memory and learning.
Looking for the best nootropic? Then Mind Lab Pro is the best choice…
Mind Lab Pro focuses on cognitive function and general health more than Qualia Focus. Due to the Elements that Mind Lab Pro has, it compresses all the benefits of cognitive function, and even long-term mental well-being.
It Optimizes 6 different brain pathways: Neurotransmitters, brain energy, brain cell protection, cerebral blood flow, neurogenesis, and brainwaves. While Qualia Focus will be suitable for those people who need to be more attentive.
What to drink with Nootropics?
It is best, if there are no special instructions, to drink plain boiled water. Water is a good solvent and does not affect the active substance.
You should not drink nootropics with milk, because the effectiveness of nootropic supplements similar in structure to proteins decreases – cardiac glycosides, caffeine, antiulcer pills.
You should not drink nootropic supplements and tea together. Tea contains tannin, which forms insoluble compounds with nitrogen-containing agents.
When taken nootropics simultaneously with alcohol, they not only lose half of their beneficial properties, but can also form chemical compounds harmful to the body.
Pay Attention to the Expiration Day of the Nootropics
Expired nootropics are strictly not allowed.
The least that will come from this is the ineffectiveness of treatment, and the biggest is irreparable harm to health. After all, when the expiration date expires, the reaction of nootropics, when they enter the human body, may differ for the worse from that provided for by the instructions.
The same equally applies to preparations that were stored incorrectly (temperature, humidity, light warnings were not respected).
What to Take into Account Before Taking Nootropics?
It is also necessary to take into account the potential impact of nootropic supplements on the course of the underlying disease, not only negative, but also positive, mediated by the impact on the vascular component. Many nootropic supplements affect systemic hemodynamics (vinpocetine, ginkgo biloba, citicoline, nicergoline, piracetam + cinnarizine).
For example, piracetam can aggravate coronary insufficiency in some patients, which is especially dangerous in elderly patients.
What is the dosage of Nootropics?
Everything needs to be balanced. Nootropics are not a magic pill, they are just one part that can help you set your gear in the right direction.

Usually, organic nootropics are quite light, do not have serious side effects and contraindications, but do not forget that the body is a complex thing and consultation with a doctor will never be superfluous.
As for dosages, I do not specify dosages, everything is extremely individual…
I would like to mention not only individual substances, but combinations that are taken simultaneously. You need to sort them according to the complexity of the composition and increasing efficiency.
If you decide to drink one of the courses, then consult your doctor, consider all the risks and contraindications
If we are talking about neuroprotective nootropic therapy(is prescribed for Alzheimer’s disease, Pick’s disease, as well as syndromes including confusion, attention instability, confusion, disorientation in space and time, memory problems, fragmented thinking, emotional imbalance, fear, anxiety, motor agitation or lethargy, perceptual delusions, sleep disturbances.) ,then the dosages are ONLY set by the doctors.
To Read about Brain Supplements that can improve your brain functionality check our our top list here:
Nootropic Combinations
Separately, I would like to mention some combinations that, when taken simultaneously, give a brighter and more lasting effect. Sorted them according to the complexity of the composition and increasing efficiency.
Caffeine + L-Theanine + Aminalon
The simplest, cheapest and most effective (if you look at the efficiency) bundle. Soft stimulating effect, increased attention and memory.
Noopept + Semax
Light stimulation and building connections between neurons. Suitable for everyone, everything is as safe as possible. One caveat – a prescription is required to buy Semax.
Idebenone (Noben) + DMAE + Ginkgo Biloba
Good stimulation, lightness in the body, mood and memory boost.
Ashwagandha, Bacopa Monnieri, Melissa (Lemon Balm), Leuzea, Lion’s Mane and Fish Oil
The main emphasis in this bundle is relaxation, concentration, interest in learning and performance.
DMAE, L-Theanine, Bacopa Monnieri, Bioperine, B Vitamins, L-Tyrosine, Caffeine and Rhodiola Rosea
That’s pretty much everything I listed above. The main task that this combination solves is the pumping of motivation and energy, and then the smooth neutralization of stress.
At What time Should I take Nootropics?
1 capsule of Such nootropics as Adderall or Modafinil work immediately. If you are unfamiliar with how it works, then this can be described as very good coffee. Uplifting mood, lightness in the body, clarity of thoughts, inspiration. But you need to understand that this is mostly a stimulant and it works at a short distance.
It makes no sense to take it at some big rate – zero. Take it only if you have a project on fire and you need an emergency boost of energy every day.
The short-term effect of these nootropics will be especially noticeable if before that you had a very rigid (or wrong) diet or a complete lack of food (we get the bulk of acetylcholine from it). In this case, your head will stop hurting, the confusion of thoughts will disappear and the operational and main memory will begin to normalize.
On the one hand, this is really the strongest “acceleration”, which comes quickly and without fail. On the other hand, control is quite lost.
When I took Adderall, thoughts started moving in my head too fast and I couldn’t stop them. Because of this, work that requires a break and activation of the DSM (default system of the brain) went very badly for me. Therefore, I did not try this business for more than a couple of days and I do not recommend it to you.
Here, a trap awaits – if you focus only on stimulants, then after 3-4 weeks of work under such doping, a fantastic burnout occurs. It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire but forgetting to add wood.
In order for you not only to have extra motivation, but also to pump your memory and improve your cognitive performance, you also need “amplifiers” (recharge) and “relaxers”. The latter is especially often slaughtered and everything goes down the drain, since the brain (just like muscles) “grows” during rest, and not during heavy cramming.
As a “feed”, the best example is things like DMAE or Alpha GPC or complexes as Mind Lab Pro. Roughly speaking, these are substances from which the body produces acetylcholine. It is a neurotransmitter that plays a critical role in memory mechanisms. If there is little acetylcholine, memory does not work well. Therefore, good nootropic complexes contain acetylcholine precursors. Those same DMAE or Alpha GPC.
Such complexes must be taken in the morning and in the evening with several capsules. Usually there is always an instruction with dosages.
There is a popular nootropic Mind Lab Pro. Mind Lab Pro has been a leading nootropic on the market for a while now, and many people are using it.
I like this nootropic. Two capsules in the morning with a cup of green tea and a tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil. And it kicks off my day with a bang.
In my case with having lots of work on the computer, it helps me crank out 16 hours of work if I need to.
I also take 1,000mg of high-quality omega-3s fish oil every day. Since combining it with Mind Lab Pro, my mood and productivity have increased. Getting more done in less time is what it’s helped me with the most.
Everything just feels better. And things flow.
Here are FAQ about Mind Lab Pro Nootropic
Can I take Mind Lab Pro on an empty stomach?
Yes, you can take two capsules in the morning on an empty stomach with a big glass of water and then read for about twenty minutes.
When should I take Mind Lab Pro?
The Mind Lab Pro recommended dosage is 2 capsules per day. However, the dosage directions say that you can safely take up to 4 capsules of Mind Lab Pro, separated into two daily servings.
Like with every supplement, it’s better to start low and assess how you react to it. Then adjust your dose from there.
Can I take Mind Lab Pro everyday?
The Mind Lab Pro pills are also well-tolerated because it only features natural, vegan-friendly, and patented ingredients. With no allergens or harmful chemicals.
What Mind lab pro does to your brains seems like a permanent effect. I took it for a month and noticed nothing in the first week. The second week came with a mild state of awareness and presence.
The third week came with a calm focus, though extreme cynicism, maybe due to the fact that I was able to understand things differently.
So Yes, You must take it everyday.