Alpha Brain vs Adderall Comparison
[Alpha Brain VS Adderall – SUMMARY] – Unfortunately none of them is good enough to make it to our top 3 list, due to many factors listed in our article below, including addiction. To read about the best brain supplements we do recommend, check out this article:
The 3 Best Brain Health Supplements
We’ve picked the top three nootropic stacks that are available to you right now for cognitive support.
Alpha Brain vs Adderall – Let’s Get Started
Alpha Brain –is a stimulant and a mixture of herbs of natural origin, free of sugar, vitamins, amino acids and many other components.
It is a bioactive nootropic supplement from Onnit, The alpha brain helps you remember information, solve complex tasks that require concentration, and respond more quickly to stimulations.
In support of these words, the manufacturer’s website contains data from two whole randomized trials with a placebo group.
Adderall is a name for a combination of two powerful central nervous system stimulants, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine.
Adderall is prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a neurobehavioral condition that manifests itself in the form of inattention, hyperactivity, and irascibility.
This disease was included in the D.S.M. (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – US Nomenclature for Mental Disorders) in 1987, and it was observed mainly in children.
It is also called attention deficit disorder and has been diagnosed with increasing frequency over the past decades.

An amphetamine-based psychotropic stimulant was developed to enhance mental and physical performance, but very soon it was used as the main mind-altering supplement.
Adderall abuse is on the rise, especially among those in their teens and early twenties.
The History of Adderall
Adderall appeared by chance. In the late 1920s, American chemist Gordon Alles, in search of a way to treat asthma, synthesized a substance associated with adrenaline. It definitely helped soften the bronchi.
Alles created beta-phenyl-isopropyl amine, more commonly known today as amphetamine. After the test injection, the scientist noted “feeling great,” which was followed by a rather sleepless night.

By the 1930s, the supplement Benzedrine, which was only a trade name for amphetamine, was being used to lift people’s mood, energize, and increase their focus.
During World War II, US Army soldiers were given Benzedrine, also called “pep pills.” After the war, slightly modified and named Dexedrine, this supplement was prescribed for depression.
Many people, especially women, loved this drug for its appetite suppressing side effects and took it to keep from gaining weight.
There was even such a means for losing weight as Obetrol. But in the early 1970s, when amphetamine was used by about 10 million people, the Food and Supplement Administration came up with tight regulations and the supplement went out of widespread use.
More than 20 years later, a pharmaceutical company manager named Roger Griggs decided to “resurrect” the almost forgotten Obetrol.
After refining the formula, he named the supplement Adderall and launched it into production, targeting millions of children and adolescents who were diagnosed with ADHD.
Alpha Brain vs Adderall Comparison
Alpha Brain vs Adderall |
PURPOSE | Helps to remember information, to solve complex problems that require concentration, and respond more quickly to stimuli. | To enhance mental and
physical abilities |
ADDICTION | YES.Сan cause psychological and physical dependence | YES.Сan cause psychological and physical dependence |
DURATION OF ACTION | 12 Hours | 12 Hours |
Alpha Brain vs Adderall. What should I choose?
Once having tried them, there is a desire to repeat the experience, because without it the energy quickly dries up.
Unfortunately, the illusion of omnipotence leads to sad, very real consequences – addicted to amphetamine, it is very easy to lose everything that a person has been striving for throughout his life.
We recommend you to read the article about Best Brain Supplements that do not lead to addiction and have zero side effects.
The 3 Best Brain Health Supplements
We’ve picked the top three nootropic stacks that are available to you right now for cognitive support.
Even a short-term use of these supplements causes irreversible processes in the nervous system.
Under the influence of the substance, norepinephrine and dopamine are wasted ineffectively, too quickly.
The body does not have time to restore the required amount. The result is a depressive state, which abruptly replaces fun and cheerfulness.
The supplements provoke the leaching of calcium from your body. Which entails the rapid destruction of bone tissue.
Teeth, hair, nails suffer, bones are destroyed. Long-term use of amphetamine leads to a violation of the immune system, the development of kidney and genitourinary system diseases.
Students and Adderall Addiction
Adderall is often referred to as a “study tool” or “smart tool” because of its reputation for enhancing concentration, memory, focus, alertness, and motivation.
A few high school and college students see Adderall as a miracle supplement that keeps them awake longer and keeps up with demanding classes and strict schedules.

The use of this supplement is most common during examination weeks. In the United States, approximately 30–40 percent of college students report using Adderall or a similar supplement during their midterm and final exams.
However, all offenders are not students, and many adolescents and young adults use supplements for recreational purposes only.
Brain Food for University Students – Best Diet for Acing Exams
Regular abuse of Adderall and Alpha Brain
Regular abuse of Adderall, Alpha Brain or other prescription stimulants can quickly lead to addiction, and users can experience stimulant withdrawal symptoms such as severe cravings, depression, and other unpleasant side effects when the medication is stopped.
Symptoms of Adderall and Alpha Brain addiction are:
- High unreasonable anxiety;
- The appearance of high activity after an apathetic state;
- The desire to talk without reason or interruption;
- Sexual emancipation, “lifting the boundaries” of sexual relations;
- Dilated pupils;
- Dulling the feeling of hunger – a person can “forget” to eat;
- Insomnia.
Alpha Brain vs Adderall Final Words
The use of these supplements remains a controversial topic, since their sale and reception is prohibited in some countries, while in others they are allowed.
Interestingly, most government regulatory agencies view these supplements as dietary supplements that are not strictly regulated.