Top 3 Racetams. Aniracetam Reviews

Top 3 Racetams. Aniracetam Reviews

Top 3 Racetams – Which One is Best? Aniracetam Reviews


Racetams are called a class of nootropics. The most famous of these is piracetam, a pharmaceutical supplement.

In addition to it, other supplements  were created that are similar in structure and have names with the ending “racetam”.

Racetams differ from each other not only in structure, but also in effectiveness, since some are more effective than piracetam by 3 or even 30 times.

There are differences in how best to take this or that supplement, depending on which environment it dissolves better.

Top 3 Racetams. Aniracetam Reviews

The most Popular Race


Contrary to popular belief, not all nootropics are stimulants. For example, Aniracetam acts as a sedative, reduces tension and anxiety.

Oxiracetam, for example, improves the quality of the sound that a person hears. But Pramiracetam is just a stimulant.

It is always recommended to start with piracetam, then the dosage must be increased, and you can try the next racetam from the chain

The most popular racetam, there are three of them:


It has a beneficial effect on your memory and thoughts process, soothes, reduces the level of anxiety, and improves your mood.

The effect of the substance does not last long, so you will have to take it several times a day.

Of the entire chain of racetams, it is aniracetam that is the best supplement to always be in a good mood, the feeling of nervousness, anxiety is gone, the speech becomes fluent and understandable.


It is often referred to as a “logical helper”. It is great for those who solve any problems, such as math or logic. It is also considered the best racetam to stimulate and energize the entire body.


The best nootropic for focus and memory.

Aniracetam Reviews. The History of Aniracetam


The first synthesized member of the racetam family was Piracetam, then Aniracetam, soon followed by others.

Aniracetam was first manufactured in the 1970s by the Swiss multinational company Hoffmann-La Roche, which operates in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic field.

Aniracetam is currently marketed in Europe as a prescription supplement for the treatment of memory impairment caused by aging and neurodegenerative disorders. 

Other names: Draganon (Draganon), Sarpul (Sarpul), Ampamet (Ampamet), Memodrin (Memodrin), Referan (Referan).

How does it work?

Top 3 Racetams. Aniracetam Reviews

When taken orally, aniracetam is rapidly degraded and metabolized in the liver.

It is then absorbed into the bloodstream and transported into cells, where it modulates AMPA receptors. Aniracetam takes about 20 minutes to take effect and has a half-life of 1 to 2.5 hours

1.Aniracetam activates AMPA receptors. Activation of AMPA receptors accelerates synaptic transmission of neural messages in the central nervous system.

AMPA is also one of three subgroups of glutamate receptors that are important for neural communication, memory formation, and learning

2.Aniracetam enhances the release of norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine is a catecholamine neurotransmitter that acts during sympathetic nerve stimulation. It causes vasoconstriction, which redirects blood supply to vital organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, and kidneys.

The benefits for the brain are that messages are transmitted faster, thinking is faster, and decisions can be made quickly.

3.Aniracetam increases serotonin and dopamine levels. It enhances the release of dopamine and serotonin in the prefrontal cortex.

Serotonin plays the role of a calming anxiety factor, reduces symptoms of depression and improves your mood. Dopamine stimulates, increases motivation and stimulates pleasure centers.

4.Aniracetam activates acetylcholine receptors.

Activating the cholinergic system improves cognitive function and brain health. This not only increases mindfulness, but also decreases impulsivity caused by distractions.

It also improves logic, formulation of thoughts and increases attention. This enhances short-term and long-term memory.

5.Aniracetam regulates circadian rhythm. By activating the serotonergic system, the supplement helps regulate the body’s sleep cycle. Increases brain activity during the rapid eye movement phase, which promotes vivid dreams

6.Aniracetam protects our nerve cells.

It mitigates damage to the brain from traumatic brain injury or cerebral ischemia. It also protects against disorders caused by scopolamine (a supplement  that erases memory).

Aniracetam also helps repair brain damage by improving circulation, energy and oxygen supply. This is especially important for people who have had a stroke.

Side effects

Headaches. The exact cause of aniracetam-induced headaches is not fully understood, but many believe they are due to the depletion of acetylcholine in the hippocampal region of the brain.

For this reason, some people find that concurrent administration of a choline supplement alleviates and / or completely eliminates headaches caused by aniracetam.

However, if you are taking choline along with aniracetam all the time, be aware that excess choline can also cause headaches.

Anxiety. Although we have already recorded anti-anxiety qualities in the positive effects of Aniracetam, the spike in dopamine and serotonin can cause anxiety in a few users.

This anxiety can be caused by too much relaxation. In other cases, aniracetam anxiety may be the result of clouded thinking and / or unnecessary modulation of neurotransmitters.

Top 3 Racetams. Aniracetam Reviews

Dizziness. The result of depletion of acetylcholine, too high a dosage or interaction with other supplements.

Nausea. Appears at the beginning of the intake and may subside as the body adapts to it.

Aniracetam has a strong effect on neurotransmitters and various hormones.

The results can vary – from the above, to allergies (increased histamine levels), sweating (changes in body temperature regulation), fatigue (individual reaction).

It is impossible to clearly answer which of the racetams is better.

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