What Are The Safest Nootropics?

What Are The Safest Nootropics?

All nootropics have a scientific basis,  and are dispensed without a prescription and plus or minus are universal, as they “pump” the most important things – motivation, energy and memory.

Today I will share with you a selection of  the safest nootropics  for boosting the brain.

The big problem is that for everyone  “boosting” means something different.

For example, for me it is the stability of work.

When you don’t burn out and don’t slide into emotional and energy pits, but accelerate to a certain optimal state and work qualitatively in it for 6-8 hours.

What effect will the nootropics from today’s list give you?

Completely different, because nootropics are just a label for a huge pile of pills. The only thing they have in common is a positive effect on your brain.

Therefore, carefully read the list and choose what is relevant specifically for you. I will try to give typical “cases” where a particular nootropic can be useful, and focus more on the brain boosting effect.

What Are The Safest Nootropics?
What Are The Safest Nootropics?

Nootropics Classes

In total, there are three large classes of nootropics that differ in their effects on the body:

Below  I will provide a list and brief characteristics of the most common nootropics…

What Are The  Safest Nootropics?

The nootropics  from the list are quite light, do not have serious side effects and contraindications, but do not forget that the body is a complex thing and consultation with a doctor will never be superfluous.

The next supplements have a wide spectrum of action and can be used both by healthy people to increase brain activity or with psycho-emotional overstrain, and by patients with already diagnosed diseases of the nervous system.

Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro was developed by OptiNutra, a well-known company in the USA.

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Since 2016, this supplement has been one of the most popular in its segment.

The composition here is logical. The components are broken into two distinct groups: a few stimulants and “fuel” sources, and “amplifiers” as I call them.

The complex is interesting in two ways: it does not contain caffeine and there is such a thing as a lion’s mane (comb blackberry).

Mind Lab Pro is ideal for people who work under stress, need to multitask, and want to improve their mental performance.

The thing about Mind Lab Pro is that it’s effective as a “Universal Nootropic.” Meaning, it doesn’t just address one aspect of your brain health (e.g. focus) but optimizes mental function across the board.

This makes it ideal for just about anyone, including:

  • Athletes
  • High-performance executives
  • Busy professionals
  • Students
  • Elderly
  • Chess players

As MLP uses BioGenesis technology, the ingredients are delivered in their natural-identical forms, along with natural cofactors that enhance their absorption in your body.

Find out more about how Mind Lab Pro works by clicking here.

Mind Booster (Nooteria Labs)

You can buy it HERE ONLINE  only at the official website…

It contains substances that are released exclusively by prescription. This supplement  gained its popularity in 2021.

This supplement is a new generation product that actively stimulates the metabolism, transfers body functions from the “accumulation” mode to the “reset” mode, thanks to a patented technology that is aimed at activating the natural processes inside the cells.

For example, Alpha GPC.

Mindbooster contains ten components:

Active substances are instantly absorbed into the blood and immediately give an improvement.

The only thing you see for the first time is DMAE. This is just the same replacement for Alpha GPC, an alternative source of choline.

The Features:

This supplement is safe because it will not encounter allergies, drowsiness and addiction.

The supplement has a fast absorption.

Focus & Energy (BrainMD)

For comparison, this supplement is  similar to Mindbooster, which will be of interest to those who do not like Mindboster and Mind Lab Pro.

“Focus and Energy” is sold at about the same price as Mindbooster, it has about the same composition and tasks to be solved:

  • Green Tea Extract (L-Theanine + Caffeine)
  • Ashwagandha extract
  • Rhodiola rosea extract
  • Ginseng extract
  • Choline

The only interesting feature is that the manufactures chose ginseng as an additional stimulant, and ashwagandha instead of bacopa. The replacement is not really equivalent, the effects of these components are quite different.

It is possible that the point here is that ashwagandha and ginseng are very “male” plants.

Both are known for boosting testosterone and helping restore sexual function. It will be an ideal supplement for men.

Alpha Brain

It is the most expensive nootropic complex on the list. And if you look at its composition, it becomes clear why. This is not one complex, but three complexes of ten components.

It has the ingredients that are involved in all biochemical processes of the body, are adaptogens, improve brain function in stressful situations, including increase indicators of concentration and memory.

I can divide them in 3 parts:

  • Flow (Flow). L-Tyrosine L-Theanine, Oat Straw, Uncaria (cat’s claw), Phosphatidylserine.
  • Concentration (Focus). Alpha GPC, Bacopa Monnieri, Sheep serrate.
  • Fuel (Fuel). L-Leucine and Pterostilbene.

Considering that this manufacturer still has many different products, it seems that they initially made really three separate stacks, then after testing them in different combinations, they brought out just such a combination that showed maximum results.

I like this supplement because it is an eco-friendly dietary stimulant, it is a mixture of brain useful herbs of natural origin, free of sugar, vitamins, amino acids and many other components.

Final Words

 These nootropics have been gaining popularity in recent years.

Based on the real experience , it would recommend you the best nootropic on the market : Mind Lab Pro.

Mind Lab Pro focuses on cognitive function and general health more than any other nootropics.

Due to the Elements that Mind Lab Pro has, it compresses all the benefits of cognitive function, and even long-term mental well-being.

It Optimizes 6 different brain pathways: Neurotransmitters, brain energy, brain cell protection, cerebral blood flow, neurogenesis, and brainwaves

However, nootropics should not be taken as magic pills that help you become smarter and more capable.

Their role is to improve brain activity and increase resistance to psycho-emotional stress. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and notice the effect of nootropics, you should consult with a specialist.


For whom are nootropics contraindicated?

It is strictly forbidden to take nootropics if a person suffers from: Individual hypersensitivity to the active substance and other components of the nootropics, Gettington’s chorea (degenerative disease of the central nervous system) , exacerbation of hemorrhagic stroke.

What are nootropics and are they safe?

Nootropics  are a group of medicines that affect the central nervous system. They are used to improve memory, increase mental activity and concentration

They are safe  and even  recommended  by doctors for some older people who have trouble sleeping at night, for people who work a lot and need a brain boost.

The benefit of nootropics is to improve cerebral blood supply. But with such undeniable effectiveness, these funds still cannot be considered completely safe.

Some nootropics should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in the absence of any contraindications.

Nootropic supplements can be taken without perception.

How do nootropics affect the body?

Nootropics are pills that affect the metabolic processes in nerve cells, improve the blood supply to the central nervous system and, as a result, stimulate the integrative activity of the brain, i.e. memory, thinking and concentration.