Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro

Today I am making a review of popular nootropic  stimulants that have a positive effect on complex psychophysiological processes.

The mechanism of their action is associated with the restoration of the bioenergetic and metabolic functions of the neuron, as well as the neurotransmitter systems of the brain. These are Brain Pill and Mind Lab Pro.


 NO TIME? Here is a short answer what is better Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro

Although products have similar and transparent formulas there are some differences.

I have some concerns about some o Brain Pill ‘s ingredients. I was worried about vinpocetine, but the FDA did not approve this compound. Brain Pill influences your general health, gives you energy and motivation more than improving cognitive functions. For improving concentration and cognitive functions chose its well checked Mind Lab Pro.

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Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro General Introduction

Brain Pill is a nootropic supplement. This complex has a  complex of natural ingredients that make your brain function more efficient.

It also prevents some age-related cognitive functions from Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

This supplement is made by a Canadian company. They produce many different supplements what influence general health and sexual life.

Mind Lab Pro is also called general tonic nootropic. It simultaneously affects all organ systems, improves nervous and endocrine regulation, increases the intensity of metabolism, and triggers regeneration.

Mind Lab Pro has been a leading nootropic on the market for a while now, and many people are using it. It is produced only in capsules.

The supplement is produced by Opti Nutra, a performance supplement company, started in the UK in 2015.

Their team of experts, including neuroscientist Dr. Ramon Velasquez, Ph.D.,

  Brain Pill Mind Lab Pro
Where to get it? Amazon

or on official website HERE

Chances are you won’t be seeing Mind Lab Pro in the shops anytime soon, perhaps ever. Opti Nutra only sells directly to their customers from their official website ( HERE

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro Benefits

  Brain Pill Mind Lab Pro
  1. Counteracts mental fatigue
  2.  Provides Neuroprotection
  3. Enhances learning abilities.
  4. Improves memory and rapid recall.
  5. Gives energy


  1. Improves stress resistance
  2. Enhances focus
  3.  Provides Long-range neuron protection
  4. Reduces brain fog
  5. Sharper information processing
  6. Increases brain energy
Quick Functions Rap Up The lack of oxygen affects both the physical condition and the psychological mood of a person who is experiencing fatigue and emotional stress at this moment.

Brain Pill acts as a real savior, helping to cope with the consequences of hypoxia and set us up for work.

It has an antihypoxic effect and helps the brain to consume more oxygen, while relieving the feeling of fatigue, increasing concentration and, as a result, improving mood.

Mind Lab Pro is also called general tonic nootropic. It simultaneously affects all organ systems, improves nervous and endocrine regulation, increases the intensity of metabolism, and triggers regeneration.

It is assumed that their positive effect is associated with an effect on enzymatic activity and RNA synthesis.

Dosage It is recommended to take two capsules a day. The Mind Lab Pro recommended dosage is 2 capsules per day

However, the dosage directions say that you can safely take up to 4 capsules of Mind Lab Pro, separated into two daily servings.


Like with every supplement, it’s better to start low and assess how you react to it. Then adjust your dose from there

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro Similarities 

Identical Work Principle

These supplements contain the basic vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain. These supplements were designed with the knowledge that people already get the needed nutrients from them.

These supplements are organic in origin, allowing the body to expand its physiological and cognitive capabilities.

The advantage of these supplements is that they are not psychostimulants, are not prohibited and can be bought at any pharmacy.

The cumulative effect

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro
Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro

Brain Pill and Mind Lab Pro have cumulative effects so it means that it will take a month or two before you will start feeling the effects.

This is because ingredients focus on overall brain health and brain needs so the functions will be better.

Prevention of cognitive aging

Some people experience cognitive decline with age. It can be from caused from the oxidative stress and other similar factors

So Brain Pill and Mind Lab Pro supplements direct a blood supply to the brain, which may help prevent that damage.

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro Ingredients

The supplements have similar ingredients like Citicoline, Tyrosine, Phosphatidylserine. Vitamin B12.

The composition of Mind Lab Pro includes ALL PROVEN AND TESTED natural ingredients and plant extracts.

These Ingredient formulas of both supplements have natural plant extracts and won’t treat, cure, or prevent any disease they will have a positive effect on mental health.

 Mind Lab Pro is FDA Approved, While Brain Pill itself is not tested or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Ingredient Mind Lab Pro Brain Pill Benefits
Cognizin (Citicoline) + + It is effective in psycho stimulation and supports the work of the entire nervous system. 

This product is able to significantly improve memory, attention, and in general it has a positive effect on the perception of information coming from outside. It is effective in hyperactivity, and is also necessary for therapy after suffering a brain injury, because it activates neuropeptides.

Citicoline stimulates the biosynthesis of structural phospholipids of neuronal membranes, inhibits phospholipases, and this in turn prevents the excessive formation of free radicals.

This active substance does not allow neuronal apoptosis, and also acts as a choline donor, which is used by nerve cells to produce the neurotransmitter phosphatidylcholine and acetylcholine. This option allows you to prevent the development of many diseases of the nervous system and does not damage neurons.

Phosphatidylserine + + Phosphatidylserine contributes to the optimal exposure of chemical receptors in the nervous tissue, which regulate nervous processes, including the processes of division and growth of nerve cells. It also promotes the activation of glucose metabolism in the brain and increases the resistance of nerve cells to ischemic damage.
L-Theanine + + Theanine is a real dope for the brain. It works as an activator of brain activity, but it does not cause excitation of the nervous system, but, on the contrary, allows you to maintain calmness and clarity of mind.
Maritime Pine Bark + Brain aging begins with changes in its structure, neuronal activity, biochemical profile, and oxidative stress. Pine Bark as an antioxidant has a long historical use to treat inflammation and improve physical and mental health.
Bacopa Monnieri + + Bacopa Monnieri is widely advertised today as a “brain tonic.” 

Bacopa Monnieri appears to have antioxidant properties for the brain. These antioxidant properties could potentially lead to positive effects on mental function.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom + Lion’s Mane mushrooms contain compounds that stimulate the growth of brain cells and protect them from damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease.
Rhodiola Rosea + Extracts of this plant have been used to treat infections and increase energy levels and physical strength, improving brain function.
Vitamins B6, B9, and B12 + + Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid / or vitamin B9 / serve as the main food for the brain. Scientists at the University of California /USA/ have proven the important role of these substances in preventing the decline in brain function.
N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine + + N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine supports brain function by supporting the synthesis of catecholamines, norepinephrine and dopamine (neurotransmitters). Tyrosine is an amino acid that can improve mood, memory, and cognition.
Huperzine-A. + Chinese traditional medicine has been using Huperzine for centuries for schizophrenia, bruises, edema, myasthenia gravis, and organophosphate poisoning.

In China, huperzine is marketed as a new supplement for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (the most common form of dementia), and its derivative is being developed as a new supplement against Alzheimer’s disease in both China and Europe.

Vinpocetine + Vinpocetine, by improving microcirculation in brain tissues, inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces blood viscosity. Improves the tolerance of hypoxia by brain cells, enhancing the aerobic process of glucose utilization.

According to the data obtained, the use of vinpocetine can disrupt the normal development of the fetus, prevent weight gain and even lead to miscarriage.

DHA complex


+ DHA complex is an omega-3 fatty acid.

Fatty acids are the “building blocks” for the normal production and functioning of cells, muscles, nerves and organs. Fatty acids are also needed for the production of hormones that help regulate blood pressure, heart rate, and blood clotting.

Ginkgo biloba + Ginkgo biloba improves cerebral circulation by improving the supply of oxygen to brain cells. The leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant contain flavonoid glycosides and terpenes, which, among other things, have an antioxidant effect, reducing the effects of oxidative stress on the body.


The side effects of Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro

 When we talk about Brain Pill, ginkgo might raise the odds of cancer if you take it for a long time. Ginkgo can change brain chemistry which may have consequences to your mental health. 

The Mind Lab Pro pills are well-tolerated because it only features natural, vegan-friendly, and patented ingredients. With no allergens or harmful chemicals. So no side effects were noticed.

Read here for a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ..

 These nootropics are considered one of the safest medicines.

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro
Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro

There are no absolute contraindications to their use. Although doctors do not recommend using them unless diagnosed with any violation of brain activity. 

Some nootropics have side effects. Their undesirable appearance can become a relative contraindication to taking. These include:

  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Dizziness;
  • Sleep disorder (more often – insomnia, less often – drowsiness during the day);
  • Motor restlessness;
  • Nausea;
  • Skin itching;
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes.

So, if a person has psychomotor agitation, these supplements for brain activity can only aggravate the situation. Drowsiness is not experienced by everyone. 

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro Pros & Cons

Brain Pill Pluses Mind Lab Pro Pluses
  • Some are scientifically-backed ingredients
  • Antioxidants support a healthy brain long-term.
  • Improves focus and motivation.
  • Contains no allergens, GMO, gluten, caffeine, artificial additives and colors
  • The Mind Lab Pro pills are well-tolerated because it only features natural, vegan-friendly, and patented ingredients
  • With no allergens or harmful chemicals
  •  No side effects were noticed
  •  Universal nootropic supplement
  • Contains 11 pure, natural, premium ingredients
  • Contains no allergens, GMO, gluten, caffeine, artificial additives and colors
  • Really has improvement of cognitive functions 
Brain Pill Cons Mind Lab Pro Cons
  • Some ingredients don’t have strong evidence for their effects.
  • Effective for concentration and focusing
  • Might be too expensive for some people
  • Only available to buy online via company’s website

 Final Thoughts

Curious about our Top 3 List? Check This Review Out:



The 3 Best Brain Nootropics

Although products have similar and transparent formulas there are some differences.

I have some concerns about some of Brain Pill ‘s ingredients. I was worried about vinpocetine, but the FDA did not approve this compound. Brain Pill influences your general health, gives you energy and motivation more than improving cognitive functions. For improving concentration and cognitive functions chose its well checked Mind Lab Pro.

Mind Lab Pro optimizes 6 different brain pathways: neurotransmitters, brain energy, brain cell protection, cerebral blood flow, neurogenesis, and brainwaves.

Mind Lab Pro sharpens focus and boosts mental energy. Mind Lab Pro Improves Concentration and also supports memory. The Whole Brain Pill influences your general health more than improving cognitive functions.


How can I clear my brain fog?

In order to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom, you should find out the reason. To do this, we recommend that you consult a doctor. The doctor will determine what became the triggering factor and what mechanisms in the body’s work were violated. Usually, one consultation with an experienced doctor is enough to clarify the causes of such a disorder. You can consult with a doctor of Mind Lab Pro supplement which reduces brain fog.

What is the effect of Brain Pill?

  1. Counteracts mental fatigue
  2.  Provides Neuroprotection
  3. Enhances learning abilities.
  4. Improves memory and rapid recall.
  5. Gives energy


What is the best brain pill on the market?

It is Mind Lab Pro.

Mind Lab Pro optimizes 6 different brain pathways: neurotransmitters, brain energy, brain cell protection, cerebral blood flow, neurogenesis, and brainwaves.

Mind Lab Pro sharpens focus and boosts mental energy. Mind Lab Pro Improves Concentration and also supports memory. The Whole Brain Pill influences your general health more than improving cognitive functions.

Are brain pills good for you?

Nootropics are able to stimulate mental activity, activate cognitive functions, improve memory and increase learning ability. Nootropics are supposed to increase the brain’s resistance to a variety of harmful influences, such as excessive exercise or hypoxia.

Brain Pill vs Mind Lab Pro, what to choose?

Brain Pill influences your general health, gives you energy and motivation more than improving cognitive functions. For improving concentration and cognitive functions chose its well checked Mind Lab Pro.