What is The Difference Between MCT oil And C8 MCT oil?

What is The Difference Between MCT oil And C8 MCT oil?

 Today, among athletes, fitness professionals, healthy lifestyle supporters and people who monitor body weight, sports nutrition products as fat burners are becoming increasingly popular.

A special place among them is occupied by MCT and C8 MCT oil, which acts as an additional source of energy and has other positive qualities.

Does it make sense to take MCT oil , everyone decides for himself/herself. I hope that with this article it will be easier for you to make  your conclusion on MCT oil.

I will explain what it is, clarify the details about the composition, health benefits and harms and how to take MCT for weight loss.

What is MCT and C8 MCT Oil?

MCT is a body and brain stimulating fatty acid derived exclusively from sustainably grown coconuts.

MCT (Medium chain fatty acids) are isolated from the pulp of coconuts and oil palm kernels. The main coconut palm plantations are in India, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, while the largest industrial oil palm plantations are located in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Fats found in food are represented by 2 classes of fatty acids: unsaturated and saturated.

Unsaturated fatty acids contain carbon atoms (C) in their structure, and depending on the amount they are divided into long-, medium- and short-chain. MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) are medium chain triglycerides with C6, C8, C10 and C12.

All saturated fatty acids are insoluble in water and blood. In order to be easily absorbed in the intestines and get to the organs and tissues with the blood, they are “packed” into lipoproteins (cholesterols) and chylomicrons. Saturated Fatty Acids do not need such a conversion.

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What is the difference between MCT oil and C8 MCT oil?

What is that? MCT Oil is not purified oil with four fatty acids. Manufacturers purify MCT oil so it contains only caprylic acid. 

They do it because caprylic acid (C8) is the most metabolically active medium-chain fatty acid.

What is the difference? MCT oil has four medium-chain fatty acids (C6, C8, C10, C12) at varying concentrations. C8 MCT oil has just pure caprylic acid (C8 fatty acid).
Where to get it?

How does MCT and C8 MCT Work?

Medium chain triglycerides are not absorbed in the intestines, but in the stomach, and through the portal vein immediately enter the liver, where they are quickly burned and converted into energy sources – ketones.

These small molecules serve as an additional source of energy during fasting, a keto diet or prolonged physical activity, and also protect cells from oxidative stress and have a positive effect on memory.

In addition, unlike other types of fatty acids, MCTs do not require the presence of carnitine to be burned, and due to the rapid burning after absorption, they are not actually stored in reserve.

How do you use MCT and C8?

It is not recommended to take on an empty stomach. You need a light, preferably protein snack.

The recommended dosage of MCT and C8 MCT oil depends on your purposes:

  • To Adapt the body to a keto diet – 1-2 tbsp. l. per day, for 1 month;
  • To Achieve ketosis with free consumption of carbohydrates – 3-6 tbsp. l. in a day;
  • For Problems with overeating, to improve memory and for Alzheimer’s disease – 4 tbsp. l. in a day.
What is The Difference Between MCT oil And C8 MCT oil?
What is The Difference Between MCT oil And C8 MCT oil?

What are the benefits of C8 MCT oil?

There are several beneficial effects of MCT oil, which are confirmed by several medical studies…

Benefit Description
Weight Control With prolonged intake of MCT oil, there is an increase in the production of the satiety hormone, which allows you to refuse snacking.

In addition, compared to regular fats, MCT oil is less caloric, but quickly provides energy comparable to that released after eating fast carbohydrates.

It has also been noted that a few days after the start of taking MCT oil, mood improves, the  stress or boredom disappears.

Facilitate entry into keto Diet It will be helpful for those who go on a keto diet for the first time or return to it after a break, including diabetic athletes.

Taking MCT oil helps to avoid the uncomfortable physical and psychological problems caused by going through a period of keto diet, which is called the “energy pit”.

It represents the time interval when the supply of glucose in the liver is depleted, but there are still not enough ketones to replace it.

Improving brain function and cognitive functions Medium chain triglycerides increase brain energy metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease was proven in 2018.

And in 2019, a paper was published confirming the positive effect of MCT Oil to improve brain energy and some functions in mild cognitive impairment.

As for sports, some claim that thanks to MCTs, they have achieved an increase in muscle mass.

However, most likely this effect was achieved due to other sports nutrition products or optimization of the nutrition system. Although when cutting, taking MCT oil will be useful, as it will prevent breakdown and preserve lean muscle mass.

A drink made from MCT powder combined with glucose will be useful for those who are planning high-intensity aerobic exercise.

This combination will improve the quality of work, while maintaining muscle glycogen and accelerating the excretion of lactic acid.

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Are there side effects to MCT oil?

MCTs can cause side effects such as intestinal discomfort, heartburn, stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Rarely, vomiting may occur.

Therefore, in any case, you should start with a half dose or even less, gradually increasing the dosage of MCT to the recommended one. 

What food contains MCT oil?


In addition to coconut pulp, MCTs are found in milk.

However, its content is so small that it is not possible to obtain a significantly beneficial dose for health.

In addition, it should be understood that coconut and palm oils cannot replace MCT oil. In coconut oil, the proportion of caprylic and capric acids is only 5% each, but palm oil is made from the pulp, and not from the seeds of oil palm fruits, and there are no C8 and C10 fatty acids at all.

Which Type of MCT Should I choose?

Which type of MCT will be acceptable for you personally – liquid or powder depends on you:

  • MCT liquid oil from oil palm kernels is tasteless and odorless. You can drink it separately, or you can season salads with it, and add it to not too hot first and second courses.
  • Powdered MCT dissolves in water and does not change the taste of the water. It can be dissolved in tea, coffee, juices, compotes and fruit drinks. The powdered form can be added to baked goods, and it also has one important advantage. Soluble MCT is less likely to cause side effects, and if they occur, their strength is less than from taking the oil form. 

Is it possible to fry and stew on MCT oil?

MCT is not suitable for frying and baking, as it begins to smoke at a fairly low temperature – only 160 ° C. You can also fry in coconut oil.

On the Internet there is often a recommendation to use MCT products for frying and baking (heating over 170 ° C). To follow such advice is a direct harm to the body. Yes, and it’s simply a shame to buy a superfood for a considerable price and ruin all the benefits by heating it above the smoke point.


Is C8 MCT better than C10?

The balance of the percentage of caprylic (C8) and capric (C10) acids in MCT oil in sports nutrition products of the same name is different, and depends on the brand and manufacturer. The balance sheet corridor is quite wide – from 80/20 to 50/50.

 C8 MCT is considered to be a better option because it promotes an increase in ketone levels, which determines the benefits:

Is C8 MCT oil the best?

Yes. It is the Best Oil. Caprylic acid (C8) MCT is better and faster than others processed into ketones. Caprylic acid (C8) is the most metabolically active medium-chain fatty acid.

Is C8 MCT oil safe?

 Yes, C8 MCT oil is safe and it provides the most health benefits. C8 MCT oil can improve mental performance, clarity, energy levels, and fat loss.

How many times a day can you take MCT?

Even a single intake of MCT can significantly speed up the metabolism, but it is better to drink it all the same for a long course of several or more months.

Which is better, C8 or C10?

Frankly Speaking, there are no big differences between the two C8 and C 10.

Usually C8 is used for more antimicrobial effects. As well, C8 MCT produces much more ketone bodies than C10 MCT.