Black Seed Oil as the Best Nootropic

Black Seed Oil as the Best Nootropic

Black Seed Oil as the Best Nootropic


The seeds of this “umbrella plant” have been valued since ancient Egypt. During excavations in the tomb of one of the pharaohs, a bottle of oil was found.

Examination showed that it was made from caraway seeds. How exactly the Egyptians used it is unknown, but they took only valuable things with them to the afterlife.

Some sources call the oil of these seeds “the gold of the Pharaohs”, and from Arabic black cumin is translated as “seed of blessing”.

The Prophet Muhammad is credited with the words that these seeds heal all diseases except death.

What is Black Seed Oil?

Black cumin is a herb from which oil is cold pressed.

This method preserves vitamins and minerals and does not destroy the structure of the polyunsaturated fatty acids that are included in the composition.

Simply put: the oil is squeezed out of the seeds and the pulp is removed. The product is in great demand in many areas of traditional medicine.

The black seed oil contains several dozen phytochemicals, thanks to which it helps with many aesthetic and health problems.

But a large number of compounds can be harmful, therefore, it is important to apply oil in dosage and in a minimum amount.

Why black seed oil is useful? Does black seed oil have harms?


Black cumin oil contains 26 fatty acids: 18 unsaturated and 8 saturated.

These compounds are responsible for the correct metabolism and have a positive effect on the entire body.

Basic: linoleic Omega-6, oleic Omega-9, linolenic Omega-3, palmitic and stearic.

The oil also contains phospholipids, phytosterols, vitamins E and D, A, C, B, phosphorus, calcium and iron, as well as nutrients: folate, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, proteins and essential amino acids.

Black cumin oil strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure, promotes weight loss, reduces redness and swelling, balances cholesterol and blood sugar levels, promotes insulin synthesis, relieves gastrointestinal diseases, helps with gastritis, acts as a prophylaxis for varicose veins , restores the balance of beneficial intestinal flora and has a good choleretic effect.

Black Seed Oil as the Best Nootropic

In addition, the use of oil strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents blood clots, fights inflammatory diseases of the joints, helps the kidneys, improves the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. Also, oil has a positive effect on women’s and men’s health.

The product has been known since ancient times as a substance that increases immunity.

According to the specialists, it also improves digestion, promotes the elimination of toxins, lowers cholesterol levels, and improves metabolic processes in the body.

The substance thymoquinone, which is part of black cumin, is considered an antioxidant. Thanks to it, the general tone of the body rises and efficiency improves.


Basic Selection Criteria

To begin with, let’s highlight the most important criteria for choosing an oil from seeds of black cumin.

Information for edible, fatty oil does not relate to essential oil, which has completely different characteristics, methods of application and properties.

What is important to consider when choosing black seed oil:

  1. Country of origin of seeds.
  2. Method of obtaining oil.
  3. Price.
  4. Type of cleaning, oil filtration.
  5. Country of Origin. It is generally accepted that in hotter climates, black cumin seeds ripen faster, accumulating more beneficial components.
    All cumin oil from quality raw materials has approximately the same chemical composition.
    The most astringent oil is obtained from Ethiopian seeds.

    The Hemani plant (Pakistan) produces 100% Ethiopian cumin oil of the Premium category by the first cold pressing of Ethiopian black cumin seeds

  6. Brand popularity.
  7. PackageThe packaging not only creates the first impression, but is also responsible for the preservation of the beneficial properties of the oil.

    Another important factor in packaging is the possibility of counterfeiting. The best option, of course, is dark glass. It is even better when the bottle has a unique design or security features. Such packaging improves the shelf life.

    The downside of glass containers is the risk of damaging the bottle and its heavy weight, which ultimately affects the final cost.

    The plastic bottle must be made exclusively of food-safe plastic. Better dark plastic. After purchase, you can simply pour the oil into your own glass container.

    A metal can is not ideal for storage, especially after the first opening.

    The bottle cap must be tightly closed to prevent oxidation of the oil. It will not be superfluous to have a first tamper protection or a protective cap on the lid.

    The material of the cap is better than metal, but the plastic has practically no effect on storage, because the contact area of ​​the cap and the oil is minimal.

    Pay attention to the protective elements, which are often provided by the manufacturer.

  8. Date of manufacture and expiry date.
    The fresher the oil and the shorter the shelf life, the better. But the shelf life is also influenced by the degree of oil purification, treatment from bacteria and microorganisms when spilled, packaging.

    The average shelf life of black seed oils is 2 years. Sometimes 3-4 years, but this is quite rare. Due to its properties, when properly stored, it perfectly retains its qualities. Therefore, even if you buy oil that is already a year old or more, it is not scary.

  9. Where to look and how to buy?
  10. The opportunity to save money on the purchase.

When black seed oil  is dangerous?

Black Seed Oil as the Best Nootropic

Like any remedy, black cumin oil, in addition to benefits, can be harmful.

For example, in pregnant women, by contracting the smooth muscles of the uterus, the product is capable of provoking the threat of termination of pregnancy.

With individual intolerance to the components of the oil, there may be an allergic reaction. Well, and of course, it is not recommended to use it on an empty stomach, especially in the presence of stones in the gallbladder

Black seed oil Note

Important: Due to the large number of strong compounds in the composition, the  black seed oil can provoke allergic reactions and other types of intolerance: rash, indigestion, diarrhea or vomiting.

When applied, in rare cases, it can cause redness, irritation, itching, rash or burning.

How to drink Black Seed oil?

There is no officially approved dosage yet that is recommended in specific situations. Therefore, it is better to study the dosage of the product on the package or consult with a specialist.

You can add oil to the diet with half a teaspoon a day, 20 minutes before the first meal, washed down with water to which a little honey has been added.

Monitor your health and after a few weeks increase the dosage to a teaspoon, and then three teaspoons a day. In small quantities, oil can be added to salads, used as a dressing for cereals, soups and vegetables.

Black cumin oil in cosmetology

The oil saturates the skin with useful substances, after which it becomes smooth, moisturized, soft and elastic.

The product cleans the pores from impurities, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, acts as a prophylaxis against inflammation and new rashes.

Also, the oil removes excess fluid from the subcutaneous layers and eliminates the manifestation of puffiness.

It is recommended to use it both for peeling and dry skin, and for improving the condition of problematic and oily skin.

It is not recommended to use the oil in its pure form due to its strong effect on the skin. Better to mix a few drops with creams, shampoos, toners and masks.



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