Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster

Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster Review

Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster Review


What is a Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster ?


top3nootropicsThe 3 Best Brain Health Supplements

We’ve picked the top three nootropic stacks that are available to you right now for cognitive support.

Those are our top three leading nootropic stacks on offer right now to support your goals.


Vital Brain Booster is a colloidal preparation that promotes enhanced nutrition of brain cells, restoring blood circulation even in the smallest capillaries of the brain.

In an age of irrepressible progress and high scientific technology, it is important to maintain the activity and functionality of brain processes, maintain clarity of mind and keep the flow of our thoughts in a focused order.

Organization in your mind leads to a successful, prosperous existence, youth and active longevity!

These are the goals pursued by the scientists of the Brain Booster. It contains a set of biologically active useful components that are necessary for our health.

The composition of the preparation consists of vital minerals and vitamins, valuable trace elements, antioxidants, extracts of medicinal plants and herbs.

There is no separate class for Vital Vitamins Brain Booster, therefore they are combined into a special pharmacotherapeutic group along with psychostimulants.

What are the benefits of Vital Vitamins Brain Booster and how does it work?

In today’s Vital Vitamins Brain Booster review, I want to look closer at this supplement to understand how effective it is and to understand if it is a great choice for you…

 What is Vital Vitamin Brain Booster and How Does Vital Brain Booster Work?


Vital Brain Booster is a daily dietary supplement. It is made of natural ingredients. It contains some substances that can improve cognitive functions and DMAE which also influences the production of more acetylcholine, which stimulates or inhibits response to a stimulus.

Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster
Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster


It may work to improve your mood and enhance alertness in order to aid logical processing.

The benefits of Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster include mood elevation, increased mental energy, enhanced focus and concentration, and better mental clarity.





The Ingredients of Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster 


Let’s look closer at the supplements and their benefits.

It’s good to see that all the natural ingredients and herbal extracts in here are clearly shown with their full dosages. The List of the Vitamins is:

  • Vitamin B12 – 500 mcg

Vitamin B12 is essential for:

Providing Energy – Along with other B vitamins, it does not directly provide energy, but helps maintain the normal metabolism of amino acids, fats and carbohydrates.

Vitamin B12 is involved in a number of intracellular processes to ensure cell health and adequate energy production.


Vitamin B12 with folic acid is essential for myelin synthesis. Myelin is a substance that surrounds nerve fibers that protects them and enables rapid signal transmission between our nerve cells.

If the myelin is damaged, impulse transmission is impaired. Thus, vitamin B12 is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Release from homocysteine – In addition, vitamin B12 helps the body get rid of excessive amounts of homocysteine, or waste products.

They are produced by metabolism and are toxic to our cells. Therefore, it is imperative that homocysteine ​​is flushed out of the body.

In this process, vitamin B12 helps protect the walls of blood vessels, preventing cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and dementia.


B12 participates in the methylation process, in which a “methyl group” is donated to other molecules and thus maintains the body’s chemical balance and various functions.

This seemingly simple process occurs billions of times per second. It is important for mood, brain function, energy production, detoxification, immune system, and many other functions.

Methylation is hit when we are under stress.

  • Bacopa Monnieri – 300 mg

Bacopa Monnieri is an important anti-aging agent in Ayurvedic medicine. Brahmi is a plant with miraculous medicinal properties, included in the “golden row” of Ayurveda.

For centuries it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a tonic for the brain and nervous system and to improve our memory.

Ginkgo Biloba vs Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi)

In recent decades, scientific research has confirmed the healing effect of bacopa. It is the main remedy for stimulating and strengthening nerve and brain cells.

Brahmi improves memory, prolongs life, slows down aging and gives strength in old age. Strengthens the immune system by cleansing and nourishing it, and also strengthens the adrenal glands.

  • Phosphatidylserine 20% – 100 mg

It has a beneficial effect on the cognitive functions of the body, improves the functioning of the brain, helps to better perceive information and improves memory.

This is especially important for those people whose work is associated with increased mental stress. It will also be effective in preventing the deterioration of thinking and memory, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and dementia, and will also be effective support for the elderly.

Often, it is with age that a violation occurs in the full functioning of the brain, which provokes the development of terrible diseases.

For people who are active in sports, the good news is that phosphatidylserine reduces damage to muscle cells during exercise, and also reduces the production of cortisol.

It prevents the body from overworking during intense training, ensures hormonal balance during exercise and increases the body’s resistance to stress.

What are the Benefits of Phosphatidylserine?

A product based on it helps increase intelligence, improves memory, better perception of the information received and increases the ability to learn.

The preparation of plant origin, normalizes metabolism in cells, rheological properties of blood and microcirculation.

Ginkgo Biloba Improves cerebral circulation and supplies the brain with oxygen and glucose, prevents the aggregation of erythrocytes, inhibits the platelet activating factor.

It has a dose-dependent regulating effect on the vascular system, stimulates the production of an endothelium-dependent relaxing factor, dilates small arteries, increases venous tone, thereby regulating blood circulation in your vessels.

Prevagen vs Ginkgo Biloba: There’s a Clear Winner


In addition it reduces the permeability of the vascular wall (anti-edema affect – both at the level of the brain and at the periphery).

It has an antithrombotic effect (by stabilizing the membranes of platelets and erythrocytes, influencing the synthesis of Pg, reducing the action of biologically active substances and platelet-activating factor).

Finally it also prevents the formation of free radicals and lipid peroxidation of cell membranes.

Rhodiola is one of the adaptogens – substances that, in a non-specific way, increases the level of a person’s resistance to stress.

Doctors recommend taking appropriate medications and supplements for people who often face stressful situations.

Rhodiola Rosea

According to research data, consumption of 400 milligrams of rhodiola extract per day for 4 weeks can significantly reduce stress levels and eliminate some of its symptoms.

So, in 100 people who took part in a 2017’s experiment, after a 3-day intake of the supplement, such signs of stress disappeared as:

  • Fatigue;
  • An increased level of anxiety;
  • Moral exhaustion.

Moreover, the results of the people improved with each successive intake.

Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster
Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster

In addition, scientists have found that the inclusion of rhodiola in your diet eliminates certain symptoms of burnout and depression that occur as a result of chronic stress.

The corresponding result was obtained as a result of a study involving 118 people.

  • DMAE – 50 mg

Dimethylaminoethanol is a natural antidepressant and a substance that has a specific positive effect on the brain.

Approximately 60-70% of the world’s population has a DMAE deficiency. It is from the lack of this substance that the body is exposed to stress, constant fatigue is felt, the work of the brain is disrupted. If you add up all the signs, then the body ages faster.

Every time a certain amount of acetylcholine enters the muscle tissue, this leads to an increase in tone.

With age, the nervous system is also depleted and the production of acetylcholine decreases significantly and, accordingly, reduces the effect on the body.

Unfortunately, there is little DMAE in our body, and with age it is produced less and less.

Therefore, to maintain the health of the skin and the body as a whole, it is necessary to obtain this amino alcohol from outside.

It can be a dietary supplement with a specified dosage, or it can be food. DMAE is found in marine fish (anchovies, tuna, sardines and others).

DMAE is of great benefit to the body, consider the positive effects on the skin and mental activity:

  • Improves the appearance of the skin
  • Muscle tone increases
  • Helps reduce the appearance of acne
  • Improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • Protects cells from aging
  • Protects hyaluronic acid in the body from destruction
  • Natural nootropic
  • Improves brain function
  • Cheers up
  • Normalizes sleep

Indications for use of Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster :


  • Post-stroke conditions and disease prevention;
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • Age-related changes in the body; loss of memory, attention, treatment of senile dementia;
    removal of fears, anxiety, depression, fatigue syndrome, physical and nervous fatigue, inability to
  • Concentrate and focus;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (chronic smokers) the recovery period after injuries and brain surgery;
  • Decreased concentration and long-term memory;
  • Alzheimer’s disease.

 Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster is strictly forbidden to take if a person suffers from:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to the active substance and other components of the nootropic agent
  • Chorea of ​​Gettington (degenerative disease of the central nervous system)
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhagic stroke
  • Severe renal impairment
  • It is forbidden to take it for women during pregnancy and lactation, because this can seriously disrupt the process of fetal formation, negatively affect the health of the unborn child and the expectant mother.
    However, this is not the only side effect of nootropics. And here it makes sense to briefly say about the potential dangers of these supplements.

Important to know about Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster


Unfortunately the widespread use of brain boosters can lead to the fact that young people become dependent on such supplements, believing that in their absence they will not be able to compete in mentally stressed situations.

These are relatively new connections and there are no observations of what chronic use can do to our brains yet.

Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster
Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster

However, such boosters can be indispensable in times of high mental stress.

Surgeons often have to concentrate for very long periods of time, performing complex surgeries and many rely on caffeine, but large amounts of caffeine cause side effects such as tremors that are unacceptable in the case of surgeries.

In addition, brain stimulants can be used by pilots, wrestlers, or in any other situation where instant loss of concentration can be catastrophic.

How to boost the effect from Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster?


To be productive, your brain needs not only vital vitamins and a brain booster but also an adequate rest.

A night’s sleep provides it. It should last about 8 hours and be of good quality, without waking up.

It is better to sleep in a cool room, on a comfortable mattress and pillow, so that the muscles are completely relaxed.

Meditation is an exercise to relax while awake. It:

  • Relieves emotional stress;
  • Reduces stress;
  • Improves the ability to memorize

Various skills and techniques can be used for meditation. To meditate, you need to take a comfortable posture, relax, try to distract yourself from problems, focusing on pleasant thoughts or on your feelings.

How to Stick to a Meditation Routine – Committing to Meditation Daily


 Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster Side Effects


The side effects listed below are unlikely to appear all together, but you must be aware of them:

  • Insomnia
  • Weakness
  • Hyperexcitability
  • Hypotension (lowering blood pressure)
  • Dyspepsia (abnormal stomach activity)
  • Anxiety and worry
  • Increased attacks of angina pectoris
  • Eosinophilia (an increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood, which can lead to damage to internal organs)
  • Nephrotoxicity or hepatotoxicity (toxic effects on the body)
  • Hallucinations
  • Disturbances in the work of the vestibular apparatus
  • Epileptic seizures and convulsions
  • Fever
  • Confusion of consciousness
  • Ataxia (complete or partial loss of coordination)
  • Feeling hot
  • Hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels) of the face
  • Motor disinhibition
  • Thrombophlebitis (inflammation in the venous walls, accompanied by the formation of blood clots)
  • Rash on the body and face
  • Irritability
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • If brain booster is taken by elderly and senile people, in some cases this can lead to an aggravation of coronary insufficiency.

Despite such an abundance of side effects, they occur in extremely rare cases, and this happens for the most part when a person has an individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components of the supplements.

 Vital Vitamins Brain Supplement Nootropics Booster – Final Words


Vital Vitamins Brain Booster should be safe to use for most of us.

Vitamin Brain Booster has many advantages, but it is not the best brain supplement or nootropic on the market. Please Check The top 3 here: The 3 Best Brain Health Supplements

It contains a wide enough range of ingredients to really bring out maximum brain power.

In addition it  consists of a few substances that can improve your cognitive functions and DMAE which also influences the production of more acetylcholine.  This in turn stimulates or inhibits response to a stimulus.

If you’re curious to find out which are the best brain supplements currently available on the market, click on the image below to see our top 3 (we’ve picked them out of over 25 that we’ve tested).

The 3 Best Brain Health Supplements

top3nootropicsThe 3 Best Brain Health Supplements

We’ve picked the top three nootropic stacks that are available to you right now for cognitive support.



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